First Lady Champions For Educational Reforms

The First Lady Rachael Ruto has underscored the urgent need for educational reforms in the country.

Speaking during the celebrations to mark the Day of the African Child at Mwatate Primary School in Taita Taveta County, Mrs. Ruto emphasised the tran…

FAWE Advocates For Equal Access To Education

Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) has commemorated the Day of the African Child to realise the rights of the African Child towards access to education in the country.

FAWE, through the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, has maint…

Homa Bay County Unveils Budget

Homa Bay County has unveiled an estimated budget of Sh11.5 billion for the 2024-2025 Financial Year.

This follows the conclusion of public participation and the presentation of memorandum to the County Assembly to expedite the budget process.

The C…

Kisumu To Host Blue Economy Conference

Kisumu is set to host the second Aquatic Resources and Blue Economy Conference (ARBEC II) to take stock of the gains made in unlocking the sector’s potential.

The conference organised by the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) from…