Asahi Kasei choisit PolymRize™ pour faire progresser l’informatique des polymères au service de l’innovation durable

ATLANTA, 23 juill. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Matmerize, Inc., une startup de premier plan dans le domaine de l’informatique des polymères et de l’IA des matériaux, est ravie d’annoncer sa collaboration avec Asahi Kasei, une multinationale japonaise diversifiée. Asahi Kasei opère dans trois secteurs : matériaux, habitat et soins de santé. La société met l’accent sur les […]

Asahi Kasei Seleciona a PolymRize™ para Avanço na Informática de Polímeros para Inovação Sustentável

ATLANTA, July 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  A Matmerize, Inc., uma startup líder em IA de informática e materiais de polímeros, tem o prazer de anunciar seu envolvimento com a Asahi Kasei, uma empresa multinacional japonesa diversificada. A Asahi Kasei opera em três setores: Material, Casas e Saúde, com um forte foco em iniciativas de sustentabilidade […]

Asahi Kasei Selects PolymRize™ to Advance Polymer Informatics for Sustainable Innovation

ATLANTA, July 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Matmerize, Inc., a leading polymer informatics and materials AI startup, is excited to announce its engagement with Asahi Kasei, a diversified Japanese multinational company. Asahi Kasei operates across three sectors: Material, Homes, and Health Care, with a strong focus on sustainability initiatives and a goal of achieving a carbon-neutral […]

New Kisii Deputy Governor Sworn In

Former Kisii County Public Service Board Chairman Elijah Obebo has been sworn in as the Deputy Governor following the impeachment of Dr. Robert Monda.

Dr. Monda was impeached by the Senate, who found him guilty of the four charges tabled against him,…

Accelerate Services Towards Ending AIDS

The country stands at 89 per cent and is on par with Angola in terms of coverage, ahead of Zimbabwe, which is at 88 per cent, and Cote d’Ivoire at 84 per cent.

Uganda is leading, nearing 100 per cent, Tanzania is at 98 per cent, South Africa at 97 pe…