750 plants of caïlcedrats and flamboyants planted in Dori

The Sahel regional environment directorate planted, from August 24 to 26, 2024, around 750 plants in the town of Dori, along 4 km of the edge of the axis Dori-N’Diomga.

This reforestation, according to the regional director of the Environment of the Sahel, Lieutenant-Colonel of Water and Forests, Dramane Fogo, is part of the operationalization of the battle for the strengthening of plant cover in Burkina Faso.

According to Mr. Fogo, this row planting concerns 750 plants of caïlcedrats and flamboyants with red flowers.

It is carried out in partnership with the general management of the Liptako Water Agency (AEL) and associations for the protection of the environment, added the regional director in charge of the Sahel Environment.

Mr. Fogo urged local residents to maintain the plants which are all surrounded by protective grilles.

It was on July 13, 2024 that Tree Month was launched in Dori, with the objective of planting just over 4,000 plants in the Sahel region. This reforestation campaign made it possi
ble to fill the surroundings of certain arteries of the town of Dori, in particular the Dori-Djibo, Dori-Gorom and Dori-Sebba axes.

Source: Burkina Information Agency