After the adoption of the mining code and local content, the president of parliament calls on the government “on their implementation”;

Ouagadougou: After the adoption of the laws relating to the mining code and local content, the president of the Transitional Legislative Assembly Dr. Ousmane Bougouma calls on the government in an interview published this Monday in Sidwaya, on.

‘Mr. Minister, we have just adopted the Mining Code and the law on local content in mining matters. There remains the challenge of their implementation>>, declared the president of the Transitional Legislative Assembly Dr Ousmane Bougouma in an interview published this Monday in the daily Sidwaya.

Concerning local content, Dr Bougouma invites the government to make “an effort to organize stakeholders”. “When we look at the text, there are a lot of obligations for mining companies, but few obligations for the State,” he noted.

While very often, in his opinion, “it is the lack of organization at the level of the State itself, its weak involvement in organizing the actors which means that the latter are unable to extract the best dividend from the sector mining&g

He recommends the establishment of “a stock exchange for mining orders. That is to say, the State must work to centralize orders from mining companies and publish them so that our private sector can have access to them>>.

Ousmane Bougouma believes that ‘if the State takes this initiative upon itself, we will have already taken an important step. If necessary, our economic players can come together to better meet the needs of mining companies>>.

The President of Parliament also insisted “on the fact that the State must commit itself in terms of monitoring, to ensure that this local content will not remain an empty text and that in 5, 10 years, we will not let’s not have a private sector that was able to extract the maximum dividend>>.

He also questioned “in relation to the national workers who are in these mining companies”, noting that the latter need better remuneration and good training.

In this regard, Dr Bougouma proposes to identify “skills, send them to train international
ly, with clear contracts for their return to the country in order to be able to help us gradually develop a pool allowing that within 10 , next 20 years, we can ensure the succession>>.

He also advised to in order to take into account their .

‘Certainly, we have adopted the law, but mining is a very dynamic and changing sector. By maintaining a constant dialogue, you will always be able to find ways and means so that the concerns of those involved in the mining sector can be resolved

Source: Burkina Information Agency