All 57 Primary Schools In Gichugu To Be Refurbishment, MP

Gichugu Member of Parliament (MP), Githinji Gichimu, has announced that all 57 public primary schools in his Constituency, will undergo renovations, to modern standards through the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF).

Speaking at Karucho Primary School after the official opening of new classrooms and computer rooms, the MP said Gichugu is one of the populous constituencies in the County and the number of pupils almost doubled every five, noting the majority of classrooms were built over 30 years.

The facelift entailed fixing metallic doors, and windowpanes, plastering and cementing the floors, fencing, renovating toilets and kitchen, and roofing. The MP said the renovation exercise would motivate learners to perform well as well as the parents to prefer public schools to private ones for their kids.

‘We have parents transferring pupils to private schools from our government schools due to poor infrastructural development. We are reversing that trend by offering a good learning enviro
nment,’ said Gichimu.

The Legislator who is serving for a second term as area MP added that once the primary schools are completed they will shift focus to day secondary schools, until all the institutions of learning meet the required acceptable standards.

Teachers and parents welcomed the facelift exercise, saying it would not only motivate learners, but also improve hygiene in the schools.

Njogu Kamurua, head teacher, at Karucho Primary, said the facelift will provide a good learning environment calling the parents to support the school programmmes.

‘The new status of their schools helps to boost hygiene as the tiles are easy to clean while providing a conducive learning environment for pupils. The neighbors should support us,’ Kamurua said.

Source: Kenya News Agency