ALTERED: No, Anguissa, R. Song have not been appointed as members of the Constitutional CouncilTransport Sector In Uasin Gishu Receive Tax Reductions Aimed At Boosting Operations

By Ngombet Claudia

This is an altered image with the information digitally manipulated and out of context, alleging that President Paul Biya has ordered Zambo Anguissa and Song to style their hair properly.

Altered decree

This image circulating on social media in Cameroon, precisely on WhatsApp in the early hours of Sunday 21 January 2024, with title ‘DECRET N° 2024/ 014 DU 18 JAN 2024 portant nomination de deux membres du Coneil Constitutionel’ in its Article 1 claims that the President of the Republic of Cameroon, Paul Biya has ordered Zambo Anguisa of the Cameroon National Football team, and Coach Rigobert Song Bahanag to style their hair properly, ‘Article 1er – Sont, à compter de la date de signature du présent décret, imposé à se coiffer convenablement les membres de l’équipe nationale dont les noms suivent:



The title of the Decree and the main Article 1 do not match. They are saying two different things. While the title talks of the appointment of two member
s of the Constitutional Council, Article 1 rather imposes an order on Zambo Anguissa and Rigobert Song Bahanag to style or cut hair properly.

This is an altered text from the Presidential Decree N° 2024/014 of 18 Jan 2024 appointing two members of the Constitutional Council, as shared on the X account of President Paul Biya, on 18 January 2024.

Original decree

We used Google Lens to conduct a reverse image search of the image under review and discovered similar images. However, upon consulting the content of these images, we came across this particular image ( on the official X (former Twitter) account of President Paul Biya, which is quite similar to the one under verification.

Comparing the two images, we noticed a discrepancy at the level of Article 1 of both images.

Article 1 of the original image shared on the official X account of President Paul Biya reads ‘Article 1er – Sont, à compter de la date de signatu
re du présent décret, nommés membres du Conseil Constitutionnel, pour un mandat de six (06) ans éventuellement renouvelable :

M. MINKO SHE Adolphe.


This information is different in line two of the first image. There is inconsistency in the font type, size, ink, and spacing of the information in this section of the Decree. Also, the title of the Decree and its Article 1 do not coin.

After further review, we noticed that other than the differences in Article 1 of the fact-checked image, every other information looks the same as in the authentic image posted by President Paul Biya.

This fake information circulated immediately after the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon were beaten by Senegal 3-1 on day two of the 2023 African Cup of Nations. Our findings suggest that those who have been fed up with the performances of the two as player ( Anguissa) and Coach ( Song) did the editing to either make fun of or ridicule them.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

The public service vehicle operators in Uasin Gishu County have received tax reduction incentives designed to boost the operations of various transportation entities.

Speaking while engaging boda boda officials in Eldoret, Governor Dr. Jonathan Bii Chelilim, noted that the move is a fulfillment of his pre-election pledge to enhance the transport sector.

‘The key initiative involves expanding the revenue tax base through the adoption of canons of taxation, with a specific focus on reducing taxes to serve as incentives for citizens,’ he said.

Bii said that this move is aimed at improving the affordability of tax payments and fostering a conducive business environment for the transport industry.

He announced the reduction of various charges including monthly motorbike charges. The monthly sticker fee has been reduced from Sh600 to Sh400 in the Eldoret Central Business District (CBD) and from Sh300 to Sh 200 in townships at the sub-county level.

‘Impounding charges for motorbikes has been significantly redu
ced from Sh9, 000 to Sh1, 100 and the storage fees for impounded motorbikes has been adjusted from Sh1000 per hour to Sh1,000 per day,’ Bii noted.

The Governor further pointed out that the impounding charges for matatus has been reduced from Sh26, 100 to Sh5, 000 and storage fees for impounded matatus revised from Sh3, 000 per hour to Sh1, 000 per day.

He noted that obstruction fees have been lowered from Sh8, 000 to Sh5, 000.

‘Monthly stickers for tuk-tuks has seen a reduction from Sh2,000 to Sh1,200 while monthly stickers for taxis has been adjusted from Sh2,500 to Sh2,200,’ Governor Bii said.

‘These reductions aim to alleviate the financial burden on operators and improve their overall economic sustainability,’ he said.

Governor Bii emphasized the importance of fostering a collaborative environment and ensuring that the transport sector continues to play a pivotal role in the county’s economic growth.

‘This aligns with my vision of creating a vibrant and supportive economic landscape for all citizens
,’ he noted.

‘The adjustments will be effective from 1st February 2024, reflecting the commitment to prompt implementation,’ said the county boss.

County boda boda chairman, Nahashon Kemei, noted that the decrease in the monthly taxes paid by the bodaboda riders will allow them to manage the high cost of living they are currently experiencing.

‘We appreciate the governor for this as approximately 25,000-30,000 registered riders will benefit from this move,’ said Kemei.

He called upon his fellow Boda boda riders to reciprocate by paying the taxes on time noting that since the taxes have been reduced, they will push for 100 percent payment.

Source: Kenya News Agency