Angola and Norway strengthen cooperation

Angolan minister of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas Diamantino de Azevedo is visiting Norway since Monday to strengthen the economic cooperation between the two countries in the Oil industry.

During his four-day stay, the minister will also hold meetings with the local political and business authorities, linked to the oil and gas industry.

He will also visit the main offices of the Initiative for Transparency in Extractive Industries (EITI).

Diamantino Azevedo, who is being accompanied by the CEO of the National Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANPG), Paulino Jerónimo, and by Sonangol director, Olga Sabalo, will meet with the management of the Norwegian Investment Fund for developing countries (NordFund).

ANGOP learnt that the Norwegian fund aims to strengthen the private sector in developing countries and reduce poverty.

The investments are aligned with social development goals (SDGs) and made in sectors such as renewable energies, financial inclusion, green infrastructure and companies such as agribusiness and manufacturing.

Visiting for 27th, meeting with the Minister of Energy of Norway, Terje Aasland and, later, with the Secretary of State, Erling Rimestad.

On Wednesday (28), a series of presentations, such as: Introduction to Technology, Digital and Innovation, at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Introduction to oil and gas; Undersea technology; Subsurface technology and renewable and low-carbon energy.

On Thursday (29), the Angolan delegation will be informed about the strategy of Equinor (a Norwegian oil company that operates in Angola), its experience in terms of exploration of Marginal Fields in Norway and the Development of the Continental Shelf

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)