Atanga Njie issues warning to MTN, Orange over unregistered sim cards

By Eratus Ndueh

Cameroon’s Minister of Territorial Administration, Paul Atanga Nji has issued a warning to MTN and ORANGE Cameroon over unidentified sim cards

The minister was speaking in an audience with officials of MTN and Orange Cameroon in the presence of the Director General of ANTIC, Dr. Ebot Enaw Enaw on Monday April 08, 2024.

The meeting was aimed at sensitizing both companies on the gravity of the insecurity committed with unregistered sim cards obtained from MTN and Orange Cameroon.

The MINAT boss equally stated that MTN and Orange Cameroon are not respecting the roles and registrations governing the country and the obtention of telephone sim cards.

According to him, reports received from governors in the North West and South West Regions indicate that about 450 unregistered sim cards were seized from separatists who use them to obtain ransoms, blackmail and outright threats. This is seen whenever a gang of terrorists is dismantled, about 15 or more unregistered sim cards are on them. A simila
r situation happened in the Adamawa and Far North Regions.

The MINAT boss said MTN and Orange officials have 60 days to comply by giving a complete list of those selling their products in the North West and South West Regions and those operating Mobile Money and Orange Money kiosks, because terrorists are using these platforms to defraud people, thus posing an insecurity threat.

Failure to comply, the minister says severe sanctions will be meted on defaulters because the state cannot jeopardize her security for business, especially with the forthcoming elections.

Source: Cameroon News Agency