Balé: The AICB offers more than 1000 plants

The Association of Convergent Initiatives for the Balé (AICB) organized a reforestation campaign on Saturday August 17, 2024 in Boromo. Around fifty plants were placed underground and 1,400 other plants distributed to the Provincial Youth Council, local associations and the best students in the province.

This reforestation campaign is part of the activities of the Association initiatives convergentes pour les Balé (AICB) in its ‘Reforestation and environmental education’ component of its ‘Action for the Future’ program.

It was marked by the planting of 50 plants in a hedge in sector 4 of Boromo along the road leading to the village of Signonghin in the presence of administrative authorities including the regional environmental director of Boucle du Mouhoun, the environmental stakeholders and the population and a delegation from the AICB led by its president.

The reforestation session was preceded by awareness raising on the reforestation policy and a tree planting demonstration by agents of the Balé provi
ncial environment directorate.

At the end of the planting, the AICB handed over a thousand plants to the Provincial Youth Council, 300 plants to local associations and 100 plants to the provincial directorate of preschool and primary education in Balé.

The association Convergent Initiatives for the Balé supports the development and environmental protection effort in the province. According to the president of the association, Arouna Ivo, this activity marks the official launch of the ‘Reforestation and environmental education’ project and the pilot phase of the ‘My tree and my environment’ initiative.

This is why the various actions involved more young people in order to instill in the younger generation the culture of environmental protection. The implementation of the initiative was possible thanks to the support of the ministry in charge of the environment and the contribution of the sons and daughters of the province.

Also, Mr. Ivo also expressed his gratitude to the local authorities and the technica
l services of the provincial environment directorate for their support.

The organizers reassured that a protection and monitoring mechanism for the evolution of all the plants is implemented to ensure the success of reforestation.

The secretary general of the province, Asseta Kouanda, the patron of the ceremony, particularly welcomed the AICB initiative to ‘plant usefully’ because environmental degradation is one of the identified development problems. in the Balé.

The Balé forests are constantly threatened by demographic pressure and gold panning, she added.

Ms. Kouanda estimated that the association’s action therefore aims to promote sustainable development and resilience in the face of climate change.

As for the representative of the sponsor Mamoudou Barry, he also congratulated the organizing committee and invited the executive office to make the AICB a development association of the Balé province as desired by the elders when it was created in 2003. In this sense, he called on all the sons and daugh
ters of the province to show solidarity for a bright future.

Source: Burkina Information Agency