Bam: More than 70 young people trained in professions by Bissa Gold

Ouagadougou: The mining company Bissa Gold presented on August 13, 2024 in Sabcé, training completion certificates and installation equipment to young people that the mine trained in three professional sectors. The handover ceremony was chaired by the prefect and President of the special delegation (PDS) of the commune of Sabcé, Aristide G. Bado.

There are 45 learners in cutting and sewing, 18 in solar energy and 11 in mesh manufacturing who each received a certificate of completion of training and an installation kit from Bissa Gold.

This donation of equipment comes after two months of training for learners in cutting and sewing, and 30 days for those in solar energy and making fences.

For Bissa Gold’s community relations manager, Kayaba Kaboré, Bissa Gold regularly works to improve the living conditions of populations impacted by the establishment of the mine.

‘We decided to train young people in trades because we noticed complaints, despite the efforts we are making to employ impacted communities. To m
inimize these complaints, we have developed initiatives to train young people so that they can become self-employed,’ he explained. This year, five municipalities, including Sabcé, benefited from this support at a total cost of 500 million FCFA.

According to Mr. Kaboré, the selected sectors have been validated at the level of municipal consultation frameworks and take into account the results of environmental impact studies.

After receiving the necessary equipment to self-employ themselves, the young learners committed to setting an example through work, to not only integrate into society, but also encourage Bissa Gold to always invest in the professional training of young people.

‘We are very happy today and we thank Bissa Gold as well as the authorities of our municipality who allowed us to acquire this knowledge. We are committed to deserving this trust after this release,’ declared the learners’ spokesperson, Edmond Sawadogo.

The representative of the company responsible for training, Adama Ouédraogo,
welcomed the level of the different learners. He reassured the authorities that his structure will support young entrepreneurs for two months after their installation.

The prefect and President of the special delegation of the municipality of Sabcé, Aristide G. Bado, congratulated the various learners for having been able to comply with the training requirements and obtain their certificate, as well as an installation kit.

Aristide Bado also recognized Bissa Gold’s efforts in the field of professional training for young people, and especially in supporting villages impacted by the mine.

He urged the young beneficiaries of the support to work to deserve this trust.

Source : Burkina Information Agency