Biya has reminded youths of illusions, perils of traveling at all costThiba Dam Doubles Rice Production

In his message to the youth on the 58th edition of the Youth Day, President Paul Biya expressed his worry over the growing desire of a section of youths who crave to travel out of Cameroon. Especially when it turns into an obsession and even concerns people who have succeeded in their social integration locally.

He ascertain that Cameroon, like many others in the world, is experiencing a difficult situation. But the solution is not always to walk away.

‘Leave, yes, but not at any cost. In addition, know that while you aspire to leave, many foreigners are trying to settle in Cameroon, confirming that it is a welcoming land and a country of opportunities’ said the President.

He added that, ‘In saying this, I do not lose sight of the legitimate aspirations that are yours. Nor the concerns that are those of all the young people of your generation, wherever they are.’

The president reminded his young compatriots, that they are the present and the future of Cameroon. Who are tasked with the responsibility to co
ntinue, with faith and determination, the exhilarating work of building this strong and prosperous nation.

Most Cameroonian migrants are in search of greener pastures.

According to the Human Flight and Brain Drain Index, the average value for Cameroon in 2021 is 7.1 index points, which is above the world average of 5.25, based on 173 countries. Most Cameroonian skilled migrants emigrate to neighbouring countries, to Europe, or to the United States. Emigration from Cameroon contributes to brain drain on an on-going basis. According to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OSCE), 42.3% of the 57,050 Cameroonians working in Europe are highly qualified. Afrol News further indicates that, according to the Cameroonian Medical Association, 4,200 Cameroonian doctors, mostly specialists, are working abroad and only 800 are left in the country with a doctor-patient ratio of 1:10,000-20,000 in the cities and 1:40,000-50,000 in rural areas, writes Migrant Refugees.

Over the last decade, a consider
able number of people have emigrated from Cameroon. According to the most recent publication by Macro Trends in 2021, Cameroon experienced a steady increase in its international migration from 2000 to 2015. In 2005, the number of international migrants from Cameroon was 258,737, a 13.29% increase from 2000. By 2010 it had increased to 289,091, a rise of 11.73% from 2005. In 2015, the number was 381,984, which is a 32.13% increase from 2010. The most recent statistic of international migration as a percentage of the population was published in 2015, and it stood at 1.6%

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Mwea Rice Farmers have recorded increased yields since the completion of Thiba Dam over a year ago.

The scheme is currently producing an annual estimate of 114,000 metric tonnes for the last 3-years.

Mwea Irrigation Settlement Scheme (MIS) is located in Kirinyaga County and falls within two sub-counties, Mwea East and Mwea West sub-counties.

The development of the scheme started in 1954 from the Tebere section with about 65 acres of irrigation farming and has since grown to the current gazetted area of 30,050 acres.

The Scheme Manager, Innocent Ariemba, said the expansion of the scheme is due to support from the national government and development partners.

The Japanese International Corporation Agency (JICA) is a major partner that has constructed the Nyamidi Water Intake, the Mwea Irrigation Agricultural Development (MIAD) research centre, and the Thiba Dam.

The completion of Thiba Dam, which has ensured a steady supply of water, has almost doubled production to about 220,000 metric tonnes.

The dam,
which is 40 metres deep and 1 kilometre long and helps stabilise water supplies in the Mwea Irrigation Scheme, has allowed farmers to double rice crop production.

However, in the first year of completion, the country experienced a severe drought, and the dam did not collect enough water to its full capacity.

After long rains, the dam was filled to the brim, releasing water into the Thiba River via spillway.

This year, all farmers will do double cropping, relying on water storage in the dam in case of low rains.

The scheme accounts for 80 per cent of rice production in the country. There have been two rice-growing seasons, but since the completion of the dam, there have been three seasons, whereby the main season starts in July and ends in December. The second starts in October and ends in February, while the third starts in February and ends in July.

The additional expansion of irrigated area is now at 5000 acres, relying on improvised water canals and waterways. Upon full completion of all modern canals
, the new area will be 10,000 acres. The scheme has a total length of 10,000km of canals and 500km of access roads, which, according to Ariemba, will require much attention due to double cropping.

He added that there have been plans to upgrade all access roads in all weather.

‘The total expansion will be 10,000 acres once the new canals are completed; as of now, using improvised waterways, we have added almost 5,000 acres,’ Ariemba said.

The scheme manager says different varieties grow differently and require different agronomy practices.

Farmers are not restricted to certain varieties but are coordinated based on research and water patterns.

The main 3 varieties are Basmati, which takes 120 days to mature, Kwamboka, 115 and Hybrid 130.

Basmati Premium, commonly called Pishori, is common in markets, but farmers are encouraged to adopt high-yielding varieties.

Ariemba highlighted some of the benefits and achievements of the scheme to locals and the nation.

With 17,000 farmers/households registered in t
he scheme, the average population directly benefiting from it is over 80,000 individuals, given that the majority of households are made up of five people.

‘We have over 17,000 registered farmers in the entire scheme, and with every farmer having an average of 5 people, the scheme is serving over 80000 individuals,’ he said.

The business at Ngurubani/Mwea town has expanded from industrialization by private millers to accommodate trading activities.

The people employed to work in the farms and millers and through the value chain of processing white rice, paddy, hay, and recycling rice husk have been a source of income.

The scheme also provides opportunities for the private sector, who may want to invest in other businesses to serve the Mwea people.

Ariemba said the total value chain is over Sh9 billion, making it one of the largest economies in Kenya. The national Mwea scheme produces 80% of local rice, which is key to national food security.

The major challenge to the scheme is climate change, extreme d
roughts, or heavy rains, which were minimised by the dam.

A shortage of water will also be a challenge in the future, according to the manager, because of the huge potential for expansion in the area.

Pests and diseases are another nightmare for the farmers, especially Quelea birds and snails. The migratory bird’s pattern is dynamic, making it difficult to control.

Marketing has also been dynamic, but the Kenya National Trading Corporation has agreed to purchase the rice directly from farmers.

Agriculture is a devolved function; hence, extension officers are deployed by the county governments, but Ariemba decried the shortage of trained officers.

The County Senator, Kamau Murango, who chairs the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries, said the 8.2 million Thiba Dam is a game changer in rice production in Mwea.

Farmers in the scheme have now started doing double cropping, which will be done annually, as the dam provides continuous, sufficient water.

The senator said to enhance water r
etention capacity, dam lining should be done to reduce water loss through seepage, thus ensuring maximum water reach for farmers.

He acknowledges the impact of subsidised fertilisers, calling upon Kenya National Trading Corporation (KNTC) to always fast-track the procurement of fertilisers to be available on time for both planting and top dressing.

The chair noted that with the entire value chain being done in Mwea, the economy of Kirinyaga will grow, especially in the Mwea/Ngurubani neighborhood. The farm tilling crew, harvest transporters, and millers will all be leaving profits in the area.

However, Murango said the poor state of access roads and pests are challenges that should be acted upon immediately.

The levy collected from farmers for the renovation of infrastructure annually is estimated at Sh 80 million, against the required 2.9 billion to complete all roads. With El -Nino witnessed in the recent past across the country, the access roads were rendered impassable, making the cost of transport al
most triple.

The Kirinyaga County senator said, as a leader from the area and a rice farmer, he has communicated to the Principal Secretary (PS) in charge of Irrigation, Elphantus Kimotho, to assist in fundraising for the improvement of roads in irrigated areas.

Poor roads are a major contributor to the high cost of rice production. ‘The management is collecting a levy for road management of almost 80 million per year. The entire network needs around 2.9 billion. We need assistance from other stakeholders, and I have requested PS Kimotho for the same,’ Murango said.

On pests and diseases, the senator said the Biograde meant to control Apple snails failed and research should be done faster to get rid of dangerous pests posing a threat to rice production from the nursery level.

He added that the ministry and pest control board should provide a lasting solution.

The importation of cheap rice has always been the cause of the poor market for local rice. The imports that always coincide with the harvesting sea
son have made the senator propose a bill for the creation of a board that will ensure that the local rice is given priority by the government.

Despite the fact that locally produced rice is enough to meet the demands of Kenyans, the senator insists that there is a need to ensure a ready market for Kenyan produce.

He added that the minimum guaranteed return of Ksh. 85 per kg is not such low, but with the increasing cost of production, he called on the members of the national assembly to propose another figure between Sh90-100.

On their part, the farmers said the water security due to Thiba will be fully felt this season as farmers have already prepared seedlings to transplant for the second season. The double cropping will double production, thus enhancing food security.

Ngari Muthangato, the farmers’ leader, said going forward, the water problem has been halfway solved, but upon completion of canals, this will be a thing of the past in Mwea.

He challenged the farmers to get certified rice seeds from KARL
O for maximum production due to the many varieties being supplied.

Muthangato called on the government to renovate all canals to ease the flow of water in the entire scheme.

Source: Kenya News Agency