Buea Diocese: Bushu reconciles with Bibi

By Joseph Besong

The Emeritus Bishop Bushu Immanuel of Buea in a recent letter regretted his actions for going contrary to the directives laid down by the bishop of Buea, Msgr Michael Bibi. He also dissociated himself from persons or groups of persons who have decided to go against the directives of the Pope’s representative in Buea, pledging to support and collaborate with his successor.

‘I regret if at anytime I had given any impression that I stil had any authority over some works

Or institutions of the Diocese Buea or acted contrary to his directives. I also regret if any

Persons have not recognized or accepted the new Bishop of Buea and/or are acting contrary to

his directives as the legitimate Pastor of Buea Diocese. I dissociate myself from such persons or

‘groups of persons and call on them to recognize Bishop Bibi as the rightful authority and

collaborate with him according to the teaching of the Church’

Emeritus Bishop Bushu

Following this apology, Bishop Michael Bibi of Buea reinstated th
e emeritus Bishop Bushu’s right to offer public Masses in the Diocese of Buea.

‘On the 13′ of January 2024, Bishop Bushu made a declaration in which he regretted

these misunderstandings, and I am happy to inform all the Clergy, the Religious and

Christ’s Lay faithful in the Diocese of Buea, and all the people of goodwill, that the

issues between us have been amicably resolved. By this Circular, | am hereby lifting the

prohibition on the Emeritus Bishop from concelebrating with me or celebrating public

Masses in the Diocese of Buea.’ Bishop Bibi said in a statement on Sunday, January 14.

The recent cold war that existed between the two servants of God, is just a tip of what has been going on since Bishop Michael Bibi took over in 2019.

Source: Cameroon News Agency