Burkina: Security forces equipped to better deal with crime

The Ministry of Security launched a capacity building seminar for security forces on Saturday at Camp Paspanga, which will consist of analyzing criminal intelligence and equipping internal security forces to face the rapid evolution of attacks in urban areas.

Colonel-Major Coulibaly Tuandaba, designated as one of the main facilitators of this seminar, insisted on the need to introduce more sophisticated investigation methods and a more targeted approach to criminal problems in urban areas where acts of Extreme violence is becoming more and more common.

The opening ceremony was held at the Norbert Zongo hall of the Paspanga camp on Saturday, August 17 in the morning, for the benefit of the Judicial Police Officers (OPJ) of the National Police and the National Gendarmerie.

‘This training follows the instructions of the Minister of Security, aimed at perfecting the capabilities of the OPJ in terms of operational intelligence,’ declared Lieutenant-Colonel Issa Yaguibou.

According to him, the results obtained
so far by the security forces are certainly encouraging, but continuous improvement is necessary to respond to new forms of crime, particularly those linked to terrorism.

‘This seminar on the analysis of criminal intelligence for the benefit of judicial police officers will bring them up to speed and above all enable them to successfully conduct investigations,’ said Colonel-Major Tuandaba.

For him, this meeting is intended to be a special moment to allow the OPJ to recharge their batteries, acquire new skills and share their experiences.

Through this initiative, the authorities hope to provide more lasting solutions to Burkina Faso’s growing security challenges.

Source: Burkina Information Agency