Cameroon cracks down on unauthorized secondary schools: 171 institutions closed

The Cameroonian government has ordered the closure of 171 private secondary schools deemed to be operating clandestinely, according to a recent announcement by Secondary Education Minister Pauline Nalova Lyonga, as reported by Cameroon Tribune.

Reasons for Closure:

Lack of Proper Authorization: Many schools lacked the necessary permits to function as secondary institutions.

Undifferentiated Sections: Some schools failed to maintain a clear distinction between primary and secondary education sections.

Inappropriate Locations: Certain schools are situated in unsuitable areas that might not meet safety or educational standards.

Regional Breakdown:

The closures targeted schools across all regions, with the Littoral Region leading the list with 67 institutions shut down. Here’s a breakdown of the closures by region:

Littoral: 67

Center: 46

West: 12

Southwest: 12

Adamawa: 10

Northwest: 7

South: 6

East: 5

North: 5

Far North: 1

Comparison to 2023:

This year’s figure represents a significant decrease
compared to 2023 when nearly 500 schools faced closure for similar reasons.

The crackdown highlights potential issues within the Cameroonian education system, such as a lack of qualified institutions or limited access to authorized secondary education in some areas. This move by the government aims to ensure students receive their education in properly authorized and equipped institutions that meet safety and educational standards.

However, the government is not also doing enough to build schools that will meet the needs of Cameroonians. The Student-teacher ratio in most government schools is so high that individuals take the initiative to build private schools to meet demands.

Reports say the schools have been shut down but its effectiveness cannot be independently verified by the newsroom.

Source: Cameroon News Agency