Citizen monitoring and public administration highlighted in Burkinabe newspapers

Today’s publications comment on the holding of the ordinary session for the year 2024 of the National Council for Modernization and Good Governance (CN-MABG), without forgetting the citizen watch protest called ‘Wayiyans’, following the press release from the inter-union of magistrates relating to the requisitions of their colleagues for the front.

‘Requisitions of magistrates: The Wayiyans demonstrate against the rebels of the inter-union’, displays on its front page, the private daily, L’Observateur Paalga.

The dean of Burkinabè private daily newspapers informs that the National Coordination of Citizen Watch Associations (CNAVC) went yesterday Thursday to the Ouagadougou courthouse to deliver a declaration.

According to the colleague, this march by the CNAVC follows a press release from the inter-union of magistrates relating to the requisitions of seven judges for the front.

The private newspaper specifies that the citizen watch invites all magistrates who are going against the grain of requisition me
asures to come back to reason while keeping in mind the best interests of the nation.

The state daily Sidwaya maintains that the ‘Waiyans’ call for a patriotic commitment from magistrates in the reconquest of national territory.

For the private newspaper Le Pays, a few thousand activists took to the streets of the Place de la Nation at the Ouaga I High Court (TGI) to support the government.

On another aspect, the same newspaper reports that the state of the implementation of the modernization of administration and good governance was scrutinized yesterday Thursday in Ouagadougou, during a 2024 ordinary session of the Council National Authority for the Modernization of Administration and Good Governance (CN-MABG).

According to him, the opening ceremony was chaired by the head of government, Dr Apollinaire Joachinsom Kyélem of Tambèla.

By the way, L’Observateur Paalga points out that the country is still in the quest for a more resilient administration in the face of terrorism.

The daily Sidwaya adds that
two reports were released in 2023 on the modernization of administration and good governance by the National Council.

Source: Burkina Information Agency