Committee Raises Concerns Over Progress Of Kyongog- Sigor Road

The Bomet County Implementation, Coordination and Management Committee has raised concerns over the progress of the construction of Kyogong-Sigor road.

The Committee, led by Bomet Central Deputy County Commissioner Victor Kisachi, pointed out that the road was 20 per cent complete with only six out of the 60 Kilometers completed for use.

Kisachi took issue with the fact that the contractor had taken 39 months though the contract indicated that the timeline was 36 months.

He said there was slow progress in implementing the project that cost a total of Sh2 billion.

Speaking at the site, the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation Engineer Xiao Hongzhi said the heavy rains pounding the area were largely to blame for the delays.

Hongzhi said the black cotton soil in the locality was impossible to work with during wet season arguing that as the rains subside, the works would continue in earnest.

He said there were delays in the payment of the six kilometers already completed saying the payment dela
yed for 15 months.

Kisachi urged the contractor to speed up implementing the project saying the committee would look into issues leading to delays in payment of contractors.

The road is expected to open up the areas it is traversing by linking to major roads so as to promote trade in local centres.

The road will also enable local farmers access farm produce to markets, access administrative services, health centres and learning institutions thus uplifting the livelihoods of the residents.

Source: Kenya News Agency