Coordination Committee On Government Service Delivery Operationalized In Marsabit

The County Implementation Coordination and Management Committee (CICMC) for Marsabit has been operationalized, amid reports that most of the development projects were riddled with implementation challenges.

The Upper Eastern Regional Government Delivery Service Director Cyrus Maina underscored the importance of efficient and accountable provision of services to the members of the public and urged for team work among government agencies.

Speaking during the inauguration of the Committee at the County Commissioner’s boardroom, Maina pointed out that records on the management of development programmes in the county indicate that many of the projects initiated by the national government were lagging behind.

The Director told the Departmental Heads that they should give preference to projects that align with the bottom-up economic module like the affordable housing programme for creation of both employment and accelerated growth.

During the meeting, the forum was informed that plans for the start of the housing project were on course with two parcels of land having been identified.

The County Director of Housing Philip Supani said letters of allotment to the parcels measuring three and two acres respectively have been issued.

The Delivery Service Director noted that projects like the Marsabit stadium, Saku Technical Training Institute and the tarmacking of the Laisamis-Ngurunit road have taken exceptionally long periods to be completed.

‘These are some of the issues this committee is expected to tackle by establishing what the challenges are and giving suggestions on the best solutions to it,’ he said.

The County Commissioner Nobert Komora called on government agencies to be both accountable and responsible in their mandate saying public funds should be prudently used and for purposes intended.

The County Commissioner in remarks made on his behalf by an administrative officer in his office Martin Buluma urged for public participation in the implementation of development projects to ensure that they are done in terms of priority.

The members of the committee urged for adequate facilitation from the government to ensure that projects and programmes were effectively monitored and supervised.

They also raised a number of issues that negatively impact on their performance that include irregular and insufficient release of resources with some Departments claiming that they have been missing out on quarterly allocation of funds to run their offices.

The County Teachers Service Commission Director Ali Abdi called for prompt action on issues that might arise during the CICMC meetings saying that would be the only way that efficiency in service delivery could be achieved.

Abdi advised for the creation of a crisis desk at the Government Delivery Service headquarters to handle matters escalated from the County implementation teams.

Source: Kenya News Agency