Douala: 8-year-old tortured for failing exams

8-year-old Bryan Eric Junior has escaped their family home in Ndogbong – Douala V subdivision after he was allegedly tortured on a daily basis by his biological father. Bryan says his offence was failing his exams during the first term.

‘My dad said if I fail my exams he will deal with me. Unfortunately I didn’t pass . Since the Christmas break life has not been easy for me. He beat me almost every day inflicting wounds all over my body,’ the little boy said.

Unable to endure the torture, Bryan preferred to escape to New Bell on January 9 to his aunt’s residence but unfortunately lost his way. He was found stranded at a place called ‘Denier poteau’ by inhabitants of the area.

‘I got missing while trying to locate my aunt’s house. I visited her some time ago with my mother,’ Bryan said.

New Bell locals have condemned the maltreatment of the little boy:

‘It’s bad to maltreating a child till the point of traumatizing him.’

‘It is a criminal and punishable offence. Instead of beating up a child in such a m
erciless manner, give him to people who are in need of one or take him to an orphanage. ‘

8-year-old Bryan was taken to the 6th Police district and investigations have been opened to locate his parents or relatives.

Source: Cameroon News Agency