East region: Hospital Director suspended for boycotting 11 February celebration preparationsEU Donates 12 Vehicles To Enhance Delivery Of Justice

By Charity Nginyu

Tensions have escalated in the East Region, following the suspension of the Director of the Messamena District Hospital, Dr. Assamba Mpom Serge Auguste Paul.

The suspension comes amid allegations of boycotting work and preparations for the National Youth Day celebration on February 11.

The controversy traces back to a release issued by the Divisional Officer of Messamena, Minlo Yves Stanislas on January 23, 2024, where the Director was accused of absenteeism during a crucial preparatory meeting. The Divisional Officer demanded written explanations within a limited timeframe, sparking a heated exchange between the two parties.

Reacting to the accusations, Dr. Assamba Mpom Serge Auguste Paul vehemently denied any wrongdoing, alleging bad faith on the part of the Divisional Officer.

Despite his rebuttal, the Ministry of Public Health proceeded with disciplinary action, issuing a three-month suspension to Dr. Assamba Mpom Serge Auguste Paul on March 8, 2024. The suspension, effective immedi
ately, entails deprivation of basic salary until the Director’s reinstatement.


On January 23, 2024, the Divisional Officer of Messamena issued a release accusing the Director of the Messamena District Hospital of boycotting work and preparations for the celebration of National Youth Day on February 11 without permission. The Divisional Officer demanded written explanations within 148 hours for the perceived absence during the preparatory meeting.

In response, the Director expressed dismay at the accusation, citing the delayed notification of the summons and asserting bad faith on the part of the Divisional Officer. He emphasized his professional integrity and refuted claims of negligence, stating, ‘I am neither your serf, nor contempt, or even disdain, and I will NEVER say it!’

Over a month later, on March 8, 2024, the Ministry of Public Health issued a three-month suspension to the Director, citing breach of professional ethics and conduct.

The suspension entails deprivation of basic salary unti
l the Director’s return to service.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

The European Union in partnership with National Legal Aid Service (NLAS), has donated 12 vehicles to enhance delivery and access to justice across the country.

The EU under the programme for Legal Empowerment and Aid Deliver (PLEAD), started in 2020 in response to access to justice.

Speaking during the flag-off, the Attorney General (AG), Justin Muturi, noted that the journey was a critical milestone and acknowledged the EU for their support to Kenya by ensuring members of public’s access to social justice.

He said that the Constitution provides a framework to support the marginalized and vulnerable groups.

Muturi said that the EU has made it possible for various citizens to access public services through donation of vehicle to counties. The counties to benefit are Wajir, Mandera, Lamu, Tana River, Garissa, Marsabit, Isiolo, Kisumu, Nairobi, Mombasa, Uasin Gishu and Nakuru Counties. He said that NLAS is working towards extending their services, to all 47 counties.

The AG reiterated that NLAS and the EU’s
aim is to ensure the marginalized communities access Justice, which will help in the creation of awareness.

The EU Ambassador to Kenya, Henriette Geiger, stated that the EU has invested 70 million euros in the programme, terming it the largest investment by the EU in the justice sector reform in Sub-Saharan Africa.

‘What is Justice if it is not serving all the people of the country in equal measure,’ posed Geiger, as she urged NLAS to make good use of the Vehicles that will see justice served to all.

The Solicitor General, Shadrack Mose, noted that NLAS has made tremendous achievement and was very delighted to witness the milestone in the implementation of the program.

He added that the occasion fulfils the government’s goal to transform lives through empowerment of individuals, families and communities, by providing high quality legal services.

Mose noted that the initiative also serves to support the delivery of NLAS mission to promote, provide and coordinate quality affordable, sustainable and account
able legal services to the marginalized, indigent and vulnerable members of the society.

Solicitor General further requested the EU to continue partnering with NLAS and ensure that the program is extended, insisting that the support from NLAS, will be felt across the country and become one of the key milestones.

He assured that the Office of the Attorney General, will give support in the maintenance of the vehicles to serve and support the lives of Kenyans.

Source: Kenya News Agency