Family seeks justice as offshore worker’s mysterious death raises concernsHollywood-Based Invention Studios Partners With The Government

By Charity Nginyu

In a troubling turn of events, the mysterious death of Mr. Michael Fotabong, an offshore worker for Smit Lamnalco, has left his family in distress and seeking answers.

The Buea-based sea worker who departed from his hometown to work with the company operating around the Kribi ocean, was last heard from on Sunday February 4, 2024, when he communicated with his wife via phone.

According to the wife, the distressing news of his disappearance reached them the following morning when Mr. David Otte Nanje, a representative of Smit Lamnalco, who received the worker at the company, contacted his wife to report that her husband could not be located on the boat.

Our source stated. ‘After pressure from us, the company Lamnalco through Mr. Nanje Otte David lied that Mr. Michael Fotabong fell from the boat.’

Despite these claims. Mr. Fotabong’s family remained skeptical. ‘What is certain is that Mr. Michael is a very good swimmer and if he falls from the boat mistakenly without anyone harming him, he
will definitely swim and return to the boat.’ the source emphasized. ‘If someone harmed him, there is no way he can return to that boat.’

Amidst the turmoil, Gendarmerie authorities in Kribi have called on the family to collect a death certificate, after his body was discovered at sea. However skepticism persists, as the circumstances surrounding Mr. Fotabong’s disappearance remain shrouded in uncertainty.

Lawyer solicits Transport Minister’s intervention

In a recent development, a lawyer, Chuo Anguaba Jr. has joined the chorus of voices demanding justice for Mr. Michael Fotabong and accountability for the alleged human rights violations surrounding his disappearance within Cameroon’s waters.

Speaking on the matter, Barrister Angabua called on Cameroon’s Minister of Transport to ensure swift and transparent action to address the tragedy.

‘The loss of Mr. Fotabong under such circumstances is deeply troubling and demands a thorough investigation.’ Barrister Angabua stated in an open letter to the Transport
Minister. ‘We urge the Cameroonian authorities to conduct an impartial inquiry into the events leading up to his disappearance, ensuring that any potential negligence or wrongdoing is uncovered and those responsible are held accountable under the law.’

He went ahead to call for increased transparency from both Smit Lamnalco and Cameroonian authorities, urging them to fully cooperate with the investigation and provide access to relevant evidence. including CCTV footage from the vessel. ‘Transparency and accountability are essential in ensuring that justice is served for Mr. Fotabong and his family.’ Barrister Angabua affirmed.

It should be noted that all attempts to obtain CCTV footage of the said evening from the company’s proved futile.

With mounting pressure from the family and other stakeholders, the spotlight remains firmly on the Cameroonian authorities to take decisive action in addressing the alleged human rights violations and ensuring that similar incidents are prevented in the future.

Despit att
empts by the Cameroon News Agency to reach Mr. DAVOD OTTE for comment on the matter, all efforts have proved futile as he has not responded to any of our messages.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

The Kenyan government has partnered with Hollywood-based Invention Studios based in the United States of America, to support and promote the production of Kenyan stories, through film and television.

Speaking during press briefing, Tuesday, at Talanta Hela Plaza, Nairobi, the Cabinet Secretary (CS) for Youth Affairs, Creative Economy and Sports, Ababu Namwamba, together with Mr. Nicholas Weinstock, the Founder and President of Invention Studios, Los Angeles, said through the partnership the creative industry in Kenya, has made a good leap with the U.S based studio.

The partnership follows President William Ruto’s pronouncement during last year’s Jamuhuri Days’ celebration, that the innovation studios would embark on productions in Kenya in 2024.

The CS said, after a meeting held in September last year with key partners and the Kenyan government, three important agreements were signed on behalf of the government and the partners.

The agreements included the National Basketball Association (NBA) from USA br
inging NBA to Kenya, the Grammys to bring the benefits of the Grammys to African music, and the Invention studio, to partner with the film industry.

‘Today we are delighted that the government in association with the Kenya Film Association, has officially partnered with the Invention studio of USA, to take the Kenya Film Industry to the next level,’ said the CS.

The CS added that Kenya is ready to take its space in the film industry, as a destination of choice.

He termed the deal as historic and revolutionary, noting that Kenya will have exchange programs with elite film makers to enable the country have serious movies, films, and TV shows curated and shot in Kenya.

Namwamba added that the Ministry has planned to hold a meeting with over 500 stakeholders, including directors, actors, media, script writers and other responsible members who make the industry tick.

‘This deal is not a measure taken in a haphazard manner, but it’s all part of the plan to improve the creative industry and the lucrative measur
es, to position Kenya as a destination of choice for film making,’ he stated.

‘We firmly have the presence of the NBA, which has established two elite basketball courts at Kasarani and are rolling-out the program that will cascade over the entire schooling ecosystem program,’ said Namwamba.

‘The government didn’t just travel for the sake of traveling nor sign the agreements for the sake of signing, but did it through deliberate extension structure, implementation agreement that seeks to advance an agenda program through the partnership,’ he added.

Invention Studio President Mr. Weinstock said ‘For the first time ever under our mission, Invention studios would be working hand in hand with Kenyan creators and through the support of the Kenyan government, Ministry of Youth Affairs Creative Economy and Sports, and the Kenya Film Industry,’

Weinstock further added that projects could be submitted by any authors in the country regardless of their experience or age, and promised to give all writers an access to
a free support Craft service’, an online platform currently serving more than an emerging 600 script writers around the world.

He also promised zoom conversations and workshops, to improve interaction with the script writers in the Kenyan Film Industry.

Source: Kenya News Agency