Ganzourgou: The VDPs of Zoungou share their concerns with the High Commissioner

The High Commissioner of Ganzourgou province, Ms. Aminata Sorgho/Gouba, met with the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP) of the commune of Zoungou, on Tuesday August 6, 2024. The objective of this meeting, held in the town hall meeting room, was to encourage the VDPs and collect their concerns in order to provide appropriate responses.

The discussions mainly focused on the difficulties encountered by the VDPs in the field as well as the means to strengthen their effectiveness.

The VDPs were delighted that this meeting was held. They thanked the High Commissioner for the initiative, as well as their provincial coordinator, Ms. Bintou Ouédraogo/Ouédraogo, also Provincial Director of the National Police, for her dedication to their supervision.

They welcomed the government’s efforts to equip them, while emphasizing the need to strengthen these efforts. They also expressed the desire for increased support to meet their social needs.

The High Commissioner of Ganzourgou province, Mrs. Aminata Sor
gho/Gouba, then encouraged the VDP to continue their beneficial actions. She thanked them for their commitment and assured them of the support of the authorities.

She promised to transmit their concerns to the competent authorities, while asking the populations to continue to support the peace effort, so that certain concerns can find endogenous solutions.

This meeting, long awaited by the VDP, was held on the sidelines of the raising of colors ceremony organized in this locality.

It comes in a context marked by the determination of the Burkinabè government to defeat terrorism in the country.

It made it possible to strengthen the dialogue between the administrative authorities and these actors engaged in the fight against terrorism.

Source : Burkina Information Agency