Garissa youth urged to get certification for prior learning skills

Garissa youth with prior learning skills have been urged to register and get certification for their skills to enable them qualify and be competitive in the job market.

Recognition of Prior Learning is a programme under the Kenya Kwanza government to enable Kenyans who have acquired skills on the job to get certification.

The government is also creating job opportunities for these Kenyans locally through programmes like the Affordable Housing and internationally through the Kazi Majuu initiative.

Speaking during the registration and certification exercise at the North Eastern polytechnic, Garissa Township MP Mohamed Dekow said that the government is keen to create job opportunities for skilled Kenyans and empower them economically.

‘I want to urge our young people in this county to take this opportunity and register themselves so that they may get the certification that will enable them to be competitive in the world market,’ Dekow said.

‘Here in Garissa, we are going to start the construction of the af
fordable housing programme for around 2,000 units in Township alone and the units may be 5,000 across the county. We want our young people who are receiving certification here as carpenters, masons, plumbers, electricians and welders to work in these projects,’ he added.

Dekow further urged Kenyans who are yet to acquire skills to register for courses in Technical and Vocational Educational Training colleges (TVET) which have been established in almost every sub county.

‘Internationally, we have opportunities as a country to migrate to Europe and the Middle East countries, which are offering a lot of opportunities, but for you to get those jobs, you must train to have the skills and be ready to work,’ he said.

Source: Kenya News Agency