Gourma/Education: 30 high school and college students learn about journalistic writing

The General Directorate of Communication and Media (DGCM) organized, on August 12 and 13, 2024 in the city of Yendabili, a workshop on initiation to journalistic writing, for the benefit of 30 high school and college students with their supervisors.

The 48-hour workshop on journalistic writing for the benefit of post-primary and secondary students in the eastern region of Burkina Faso, is an initiative of the General Directorate of Communication and Media (DGCM), in partnership with the United Nations Children’s Fund ( UNICEF).

For the Deputy Director General (DGA) of Communication and Media, Alban Kini, this is a sort of support measure for the ”Galian Kids’ competition initiated during the last edition of the Galian night (award for media professionals), held on June 14, 2024.

Mr. Kini recalled that during this night aimed at celebrating excellence in journalism in Burkina Faso, UNICEF awarded four prizes to students with media support in their establishment and who applied for the competition dedicated
to their category.

According to the DGA, introducing schoolchildren to journalistic writing aims, not only, to improve their productions during the next editions of Galian Kids, but also and above all, to arouse in them the desire to become journalists.

This training in journalistic writing, continued Alban Kini, should allow learners to understand the fundamental principles of the profession of journalism.

According to the Deputy Director General of Communication and Media, the participating students, during the two days, learned about four journalistic genres, namely, the brief, the interview, the report and the report.

At the end of 48 hours of work, organizers, guides and beneficiaries expressed their satisfaction.

The student of the 4th II class of the municipal comprehensive high school of Fada N’Gourma, Artur Ouôba stressed that the training taught them many things which will prepare them to later become good journalists.

He said that he is interested in the profession of journalism because it al
lows him to disseminate information which is very useful.

Miss Pascaline Dina Lompo, 1st grade A4 at Diaba Lompo high school, plays the same trumpet. According to her, the notions of journalistic writing learned during the training could allow her to realize her dream of being like the journalists she sees on television.

The training, organized by the DGCM and financed by UNICEF, took place simultaneously in Fada N’Gourma (East) and Gaoua (South-West). Similar training was organized at the beginning of July 2024 in Ouahigouya (North) and Kaya (North Centre).

According to the organizers, the training should extend to all 13 administrative entities in the country.

Source : Burkina Information Agency