Government bringing bill to Parliament against same-sex marriage ruling

Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila announced on Tuesday in Parliament that the government will introduce a bill regarding the same-sex marriage ruling, aiming to prevent the recognition of such marriages in Namibia.

The prime minister addressed Parliament on Tuesday, stating that the government plans to bring a Bill seeking to modify the relevant common law principles. The proposed changes aim to ensure that same-sex marriages are not recognised in Namibia, even if they were concluded in countries where such marriages are permitted.

“’Government will introduce a bill to this house with the aim of seeking parliamentary modifications to the relevant common law principles, so that same-sex marriages, even if solemnised in countries that allow them, cannot be recognised in Namibia,” Kuugongelwa-Amadhila stated.

The same-sex marriage ruling, issued by the Supreme Court on 16 May 2023, declared that same-sex marriages conducted in countries outside Namibia, where such marriages are recognised, will be acknowledged in Namibia.

This ruling sparked outcry from various non-governmental organisations, spiritual leaders, church leaders, and traditional leaders. They lodged petitions with the government and Parliament, expressing their complaints and discontentment with the judgment.

Source: NAMPA