‘Have A Reliable Retirement Plan,’ Kahiga Advises MenOshakati, Ondangwa register nearly 13 000 people for drought relief

Men have been advised to think beyond their working years to avert the agony of spending their retirement life in wretchedness.

Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga says the majority of men go into retirement devoid of any fallback strategy and end up leading miserable lives that culminate in premature deaths.

While addressing members of the NewFortis Sacco over the weekend, the County boss also advised those in paid-up employment to join savings cooperative societies where they can save some money for their future and that of their family.

‘As we grow older, let us remember that it is very important for us to lay a foundation that has a meaning for us. If we don’t continue preparing for these days (retirement) we are going to be very miserable in life,’ he warned.

‘Your wife can always leave you and go to stay with her children in her old age but as a man, you cannot do so. Women can also terrorize you during your sunset years if you mistreated them during your heydays. And the only way to avert such a scenario
is for men to have a sustainable plan that can take care of you and your family during such eventualities,’ he added.

Life expectancy rates among men in Kenya have over the years been on the decline compared to women.

According to German global data and business intelligence platform Statista, while life expectancy for men in 2020 stood at 60.37 years, this dropped to 58.94 a year later.

Similarly, in 2021, the mortality rate for women was at 310.87 per 1,000 female adults, while the mortality rate for men was at 419.4 per 1,000 male adults in Kenya.

The Governor similarly urged employees to expand their income base by joining savings and credit schemes and starting income-generating activities.

He termed it a pursuit in futility for Kenyans to continue complaining about the ever-increasing taxation in the country while doing nothing to address their plight.

Kahiga also told teachers working in Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) institutions to join the Sacco movement where they can save money
and also be in a position to access affordable loans.

‘If you are currently working, don’t just depend on your salary while complaining about how taxes are eating into your earnings. Think outside the box and look for alternative sources of income that can complement what you earn as long as it does not conflict with your work. I also want to tell those working in ECDE institutions to join Saccos where they can save money for a rainy day. If Kahiga, who is your governor, is a member of NewFortis Sacco, I wonder why teachers should not also join me,’ he stated.

Kahiga also promised to continue partnering with the National government in strengthening the Sacco movement in the county through enacting necessary legislation and policies that will enhance their operations and growth.

He nevertheless asked Parliament to review the Co-operative Societies Act to align it with the Constitution.

‘My administration is committed to supporting the cooperatives to comply through enforcement, education, training, informa
tion sharing, and advisory services. I call upon the National Assembly to fast-track the review of the Co-operative Societies Act to ensure it is in line with the constitution that gives the Counties the mandate to regulate Co-operative Societies,’ he added.

NewFortis Savings and Credit Co-operative Society (formerly Nyeri Teachers Sacco) was started in 1976 with a membership of 857 drawn from Primary schools, Secondary schools, and tertiary institutions.

Today the Sacco boasts of a total of 20,350 members and has announced plans to pay a total of Sh901.9 million as dividends and interests to its members for the last financial year.

Also present during the 48th AGM included NewFortis Sacco chairman John Githinji, CECMs Trade and Cooperatives Diana Kendi, Margaret Macharia (Education), and Peter Macharia (County Public Service) among others.

Source: Kenya News Agency

OSHAKATI: The persistent drought situation has not only affected farmers and rural communities, but has also had a significant impact on urban areas, Oshana Region Governor Elia Irimari said on Monday.

He was speaking during the handing over of food parcels by the Oshana Regional Council to the three local authorities of the region.

Irimari said many families are facing challenges in accessing sufficient food and basic necessities, leading to increased vulnerability and hardship.

A total of 12 790 people have so far registered to benefit from the drought relief programme. Of those, 6 560 people were registered in Oshakati and the remaining number in Ongwediva. The figures for Ondangwa are not yet available.

Beneficiaries of the food parcels sponsored by the regional council were selected from the applicants.

Chairperson of the Oshana Regional Committee, Andreas Uutoni, revealed that the food parcels include 184 bags of maize meal, 184 bottles of cooking oil, and 737 cans of tinned fish which will availed
to all three local authorities.

He said 552 households are expected to benefit from the food parcels.

‘Our hope is that this gesture fosters resilience within the communities and helps them navigate through these difficult times,’ he said.

Uutoni said he trusts that the food parcels will reach the intended beneficiaries promptly and that it will provide some relief during this challenging period.

He then encouraged local authorities and community leaders to oversee a transparent distribution process, ensuring that the assistance reaches those who need it the most.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency