High Court dismisses Amushelelo’s bail appeal

High Court Judges Naomi Shivute and Philanda Christiaan on Monday dismissed the bail appeal of Michael Amushelelo, 31, who was arrested in March on charges relating to contempt of court.

Amushelelo reportedly organised an unemployment protest on Namibia’s Independence Day, 21 March 2023, despite a High Court ruling stating otherwise.

The two judges did not deliver the full judgment and only read the order. Amushelelo’s lawyer, Kadhila Amoomo, has in the meantime indicated that they would appeal the High Court’s ruling in the Supreme Court.

Katutura Magistrate Sally Salionga in April denied Amushelelo bail on the grounds that there are no conditions that could be attached to his bail, that would deter him from committing similar offences. It was further her ruling that Amushelelo was granted bail with conditions attached in two previous cases, but no change was seen in his conduct while he was free on bail.

Amushelelo was arrested alongside Dimbulukweni Nauyoma and Popular Democratic Movement parliamentarian Inna Hengari. They face charges of incitement of public violence and malicious damage to property. Hengari and Nauyoma were both released on bail in the amount of N.dollars 5 000.

The trio contends that they were not intending to protest when they arrived at the protest meet-up point, and that they were merely instructing protestors about the High Court ruling that disallowed them to protest.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency