Hope as scores of Murang’a youth graduate with artisan certificates

Participants of the first cohort of Murang’a Youth Service programme have graduated with certificates on various artisan courses.

The group of more than 700 youngsters was sponsored by the county government to undertake a three-month training in local vocational training centres managed by the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA).

The administration of Governor Irungu Kang’ata established the county youth service programme last year to engage unemployed young people in a three-month community work and afterwards be trained on various courses of their choice.

Kang’ata who presided over the graduation ceremony of the youths at Ihura stadium said his administration will provide Sh15, 000 to all the graduates as a seed capital to help them venture in various businesses.

He said for those who will establish businesses in towns within the county, they will be exempted from paying tax among other required charges for a period of one year in order to help their businesses grow.

‘My administration came u
p with this programme to mitigate the increased unemployment rate in the county. In every cohort, 30 youths are picked to join the youth service, where every day they earn Sh400 for the first three months, when they are engaged in community work.

‘After the community works, the participants are enrolled in local vocational training centres to pursue artisan courses of their choice,’ explained Kang’ata.

The governor underscored the importance of programme, saying those who passed the NITA examination can secure employment not only in the country, but also abroad.

‘NITA certificate is recognized by some foreign countries and those who passed with first grade can try to source for employment abroad,’ he added.

Kang’ata challenged the young people to advance on the training saying the county government will start issuing bursaries, beginning next year to enable the vulnerable to proceed with further training.

The Murang’a youth service programme, has since its inception, benefited 3, 150 youths with the seco
nd cohort currently in vocational centres, while the third cohort engaged in community work.

Kang’ata said the programme is a continuous effort to empower and support the local young people.

The governor who was accompanied by founder of Equity bank Peter Munga encouraged the graduates to utilize the skills they have gained to transform their lives and as well of those of their communities.

Some of the MCAs present at the function, called for expansion of the programme saying 30 slots for every ward in cohort were not enough.

Led by Kahumbu MCA Chefman Isaac Njoroge, the MCAs said they will consider pushing for an increase of more funding to support programmes aimed at creating jobs for young people.

Njoroge asked the national government not to reduce allocation to county governments saying locals are looking forward to more developments at the grassroots.

Nominated MCA Sharleen Wambui asked the contractors given works by the county government to consider employing graduates of the programme.

‘There ar
e many constructions spearheaded by the county government and we request these graduates who have skills in masonry, plumbing, electrical wiring among others to be considered when employing technicians. We also appeal to local manufacturing companies to provide jobs to our youths,’ she appealed.

Source: Kenya News Agency