Huduma Centres Praised For Offering Credible Services

Huduma centers have been praised for offering credible services that have suppressed corruption in the country.

Speaking during the celebrations to mark 10 years since the inception of Huduma centers in the country, Narok county commissioner Isaac Masinde said citizens are served faster, without being asked to pay any bribe for the services they get.

‘The Huduma centers have helped to build more trust among the civil service. They act as a one stop shop where people walk in and get all the government services under one roof,’ he said.

Commissioner Masinde asked the public servants to have a heart of service and serve the residents with passion without minding their backgrounds so as to develop the nation.

‘Please remember you are the servants of the people. Give services without discrimination and reflect the picture of the government by championing the government policies,’ he said.

The commissioner asked the civil servants attached to the Huduma Center to lead by example by holding tree planting forums where they will sensitize the residents on the importance of planting trees.

Gatobu Kirera, a member of the Huduma Kenya Secretariat said there is a strong partnership between the county and national government to deliver services at the Huduma center.

‘When a person enters the Huduma Center premises, he or she must be served with the services they need, whether the services are offered by the National government or County government it does not matter,’ he said.

He added they are looking for financial support to devolve their services to the villages so as to serve many people who cannot afford to travel to town.

Narok County Government Chief Officer in charge of Public Service Paul Karpuelo reiterated that the county government will continue supporting the Huduma Center so that people can get all services at one stop.

Karpuelo praised the Huduma centers saying they are more efficient than the traditional way of moving from one office to another to be served.

The Narok Huduma centre Manager Naserian Katampoi said there are 53 Huduma Centers spread across the country which have helped improve service delivery to the people.

She underscored the need to look back and see the far they have come and reflect on the ideals of the formation as an opportunity to look further so as to revolutionize the public service.

Source: Kenya News Agency