Jackpot machine stolen from shebeen at village

A shebeen was broken into on Friday about 07h10 in Omahenene location at Oshekasheka village, a Namibian Police Force crime report has indicated.

The suspects allegedly used unknown objects to cut through the roof of the premises and gain entry into the shebeen, where they stole a jackpot machine valued at N.dollars 95 000 and N.dollars 500 in cash.

The damaged jackpot was recovered from an Okandjengedi south corrugated iron house and one suspect was apprehended and detained at Ongwediva Police Station in Oshana Region.

Police investigations are ongoing.

In an unrelated event, a 61-year-old woman, a resident of Onambele village in Oshikoto, opened a case of operating under false pretence against a traditional doctor at the Ongwediva Police Station.

According to Namibian Police spokesperson for Oshana, Inspector Thomas Aiyambo, the incident happened Friday. It is alleged that the complainant’s son has been a psychiatric patient for several years, and his mother has been seeing various traditional doctors for him to be treated, but nothing has worked out until the complainant was referred to a particular traditional healer known as a herbalist.

“The complainant contacted the healer who was recommended to them, and they agreed to meet at his home in Ongwediva,” Aiyambo said.

They discussed the cost of treating the boy and agreed on a consultation fee of N.dollars 400 and treatment cost of N.dollars 8 000.

The complainant subsequently paid the full amount, and while the doctor was busy with the boy, he stopped and informed the mother that she, too, would require treatment because she is also sick and her treatment would cost N.dollars 100 000.

The complainant went to the bank and withdrew the money (N.dollars 100 000) and handed it over to the herbalist. The complainant was given some herbs and powder to use, but when she returned home, she realised she was deceived as she knew she was not sick, which is why she went to the police to open the case.

The complainant dropped the charges after the herbalist was arrested and he returned her money.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency