Kajiado Families Receive Crucial Food Donations Amid Extended School Holiday

Kajiado, Kenya – Vulnerable families in Kajiado have received a much-needed lifeline in the form of food donations during the prolonged school holiday period. Light up Hope, a Non-Governmental Organization, extended its support to these families, helping to mitigate the effects of the severe drought that hit the region.

According to Kenya News Agency, President of Light up Hope, the initiative is an extension of the school feeding program aimed at ensuring no pupil goes hungry while at home during the school holidays. This program, launched last year, has benefited 61,700 pupils from 171 primary schools in Kajiado County. Shaughnessy emphasized the importance of this initiative, stating, “We undertook this initiative to support families in ensuring that no child goes hungry during the long holiday. We are education-focused and understand that a student’s ability to learn is hampered without adequate nutrition.”

Ilpartimaro Primary School teacher Malachi Mutenge reported a noticeable increase in student enrollment and improved academic performance, attributing this to the school feeding program. Mercy Parmeres, a parent, echoed these sentiments, praising the program for sustaining pupils during the holiday period amid the drought.

Moses Murage, Executive Director of Light Up Hope, revealed that their organization is also offering full scholarships to bright but needy girls, supporting 21 primary students, 162 high school girls, and 104 university students across Kenya. This effort aims to combat poverty and promote education for girls from vulnerable backgrounds.