Kardinal accuses wife and son of his death

By Makaia

An audio message recorded by Betnga Yankoua Aristide popularly known as Kardinal’s friend has surfaced online just three days after his burial.

The programme presenter at the Cameroon national station, CRTV, had been sick and paralyzed for over two years. During this period he declares he was maltreatd by his son Dominique and his wife , two people who declared how much they love and miss him on his funeral programme.

‘You were loving, generous and sensitive. You leave us heartbroken…I love you dad’ a section of Dominique’s tribute to his father reads.

‘Never will I hear the sound of your laughter that brightened my days. I know you fought to stay with me…my days are marked by tears…’ a section of his wife’s tribute reads but Kardinal says behind closed doors, the reality was very different.

‘In the morning, Dominique brutally pulls me out of bed and tells me I am nothing…all of this is engineered by his mum. I want you all to know this. Their strategy is to isolate me at the hospital so they c
an live their lives freely. My presence at home bothers them…She knows I have limited mobility but abandons me here in the hospital knowing quite well that I have no family member to turn to…I am all alone at the hospital,’ Kardinal reveals in an audio message recorded before his death.

‘In 10 days, she comes when she wants and spends days without coming to the hospital. I am handicap so she knows I have no choice…the last time I went home, they put me in a small room at home where I know nothing. They notice that my hands and feet are now useless and so they use it to make my life miserable. I am going through tough times…I want you to record what I am saying…’ he adds.

Even on his sick bed, the former comedian says his wife never stopped asking him to give her money. ‘Everyday she comes asking me to give her money. Her objective is to strangle me financially and show everyone that her family alone takes care of me, lead to my death and then continue with her life.’

Aristide tells his friend that no day i
s different in his life. He is permanently made to understand that he is nobody: ‘This morning she woke me up with Dominique very brutally and screamed at me. In such circumstances, I can only wait for you to come so I tell you. You might even get here one day and find out that they knocked me out dead. They declared that I am mentally unstable. My son Dominique told me this morning that I am not his father and I should no longer count on him to help me take a shower. I am telling you this so you know the truth and make it impossible for her to corrupt this information.’

Source: Cameroon News Agency