Kisii Establishes NGD-CICMC For Govt Agenda Oversight

In a significant step towards enhancing transparency, accountability, and effective implementation of national development projects and programmes, Kisii County has inaugurated the National Government Development-County Implementation Coordination and Management Committee (NGD-CICMC) to provide oversight to the government agenda.

The ceremony held at the Kenya Institute of Highways and Building Technology (KIHBT) in Kisii town was graced by top government officials led by the County Commissioner, Tom Anjere, thus marking a new era of collaborative efforts for national development.

Chaired by the County Commissioner, the NGD-CICMC, a critical initiative under the Government Delivery Service (GDS), initially the President’s Delivery Unit (PDU), has been endowed with the pivotal responsibility of overseeing and reporting on the status of various projects and programmes initiated by the National Government.

The establishment of the Committee was in accordance with the provisions of Executive Order No. 1 of 2023, titled ‘Organisation of the Government of the Republic of Kenya,’ issued by the Executive Office of the President.

During the ceremony, the matrix for reporting the status of projects and programmes was comprehensively explained, providing insight into the Committee’s operational framework.

The Committee’s mandate extends to projects across a spectrum of vital sectors, including Agriculture, the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) economy, Housing and Settlement, Healthcare, the digital superhighway, and the creative economy.

At the core of the NGD-CICMC’s mission is the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA), a visionary approach aimed at driving economic growth from the grassroots level upward.

By focusing on sectors that have a direct impact on the everyday lives of citizens, BETA seeks to harness the potential of Agriculture, MSMEs, Housing, Healthcare, Digital infrastructure, and the Creative Economy to foster sustainable development.

‘The NGD-CICMC’s establishment reflects the government’s commitment to ensuring that every Kenyan benefits from the nation’s progress,’ stated the County Commissioner, Anjere, in his inaugural speech. ‘With this Committee in place, we are taking significant strides towards a more inclusive and accountable governance structure,’ he added.

Onduso Ochengo, a representative from the Government Delivery Service, stated that the objectives of the projects and programmes monitored by the Committee will serve as a scope to gauge their overall impact.

Onduso further noted that the NGD-CICMC’s reporting mechanism includes categorising projects and programmes into distinct phases, such as Stalled, Ongoing, Complete requiring further intervention, Complete pending official commissioning, and Planned yet to commence.

He said that the Committee’s Reports will offer insights into payment statuses, distinguishing between amounts certified for payment and amounts overdue as per contract terms.

‘The committee’s ambit extends beyond projects to encompass programmes and policies,’ noted Onduso, adding that such a holistic approach would ensure that a comprehensive overview of the national development landscape is presented. This, he said, would facilitate informed decision-making and timely interventions when required.

The inauguration of the NGD-CICMC marks a milestone in Kenya’s pursuit of effective governance and development.

With a focus on transparency, inclusivity, and accountability, the Committee’s work will undoubtedly contribute to a more robust and resilient national development framework.

As the NGD-CICMC assumes its role in steering Kenya’s development journey, it holds the promise of fostering greater collaboration between the national government, counties, and stakeholders from all walks of life.

With the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda as its guiding principle, the Committee is set to reshape the trajectory of Kenya’s development, ensuring prosperity reaches every corner of the nation.

Source: Kenya News Agency