Kossi: Football to promote social cohesion

The secretary general of the Kossi province, Firmin Bassolé, chaired, on Wednesday August 7, 2024 in Nouna, the activities within the framework of the day of social cohesion through sport and games competition.

The provincial directorate in charge of Humanitarian Action, with the support of the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), organized, on Wednesday August 7, 2024 in Nouna, a day of social cohesion, through sporting activities and competitions. in the form of questions and answers linked to social cohesion.

Fifteen internally displaced persons (IDPs) and host population participated in the games, the target questions of which are, among others, the role of the host population in promoting peaceful cohabitation and the role of internally displaced persons in promoting cohabitation. peaceful.

According to the organizers, the results of the competition revealed a satisfactory level of understanding.

The 1st prize went to Boukary Arama (PDI), who received the sum of 15,000 F CFA, the 2nd prize to Aimé Alphonse
Foro (host) with 10,000 F CFA and the 3rd prize to Hélène Coulibaly (PDI ) who received 7,500 CFA francs.

From 4th place to 15th place , an incentive prize of 5,000 CFA francs was given to everyone.

Women’s and men’s football matches between the host and internally displaced populations ended in a goalless score and it was necessary to resort to penalties to decide between the teams.

In women’s football, the PDI won by a score of 1 goal to 0 against the host population. Both teams received encouragement prizes.

The men’s football match saw the host population win against the IDPs with a score of 1 goal to 0.

They received the sum of 45,000 F CFA and the IDPs 35,000 F CFA.

Source : Burkina Information Agency