Latest reports allege Martinez Zogo was surveilled for seven yearsWoman allegedly stabs boyfriend to death at Okahandja150 Alcohol Outlets To Be Closed In Bomet To Curb Illicit Brews, Substance Abuse

By Charity Nginyu

Recent revelations have surfaced regarding the extensive surveillance of Cameroonian journalist Martinez Zogo, with court documents indicating that he had been under scrutiny since at least 2015.

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) revealed that a 20-page referral to trial document which they reviewed shed light on a sophisticated surveillance operation orchestrated by Maxime Eko Eko, the former head of the DGRE counterintelligence agency.

He and Jean-Pierre Amougou Belinga, a prominent businessman and media figure were featured among 17 suspects in the murder case of the deceased journalist Martinez Zogo.

Despite Eko Eko’s denial of direct involvement, testimonies suggest his complicity in the surveillance initiative, known as the ‘Presse’ dossier.

‘The court document said Eko Eko denied involvement, saying Zogo was never a threat to him and the operation against the journalist was Danwe’s personal initiative; however, Nzié said Eko Eko could not claim this, as he had ordered th
e DGRE to surveil the journalist since 2015 as part of the ‘Presse’ dossier,’ stated CPJ.

According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, Zogo’s outspoken criticism of corruption, particularly his allegations against Belinga, likely motivated the surveillance efforts.

The journalist’s radio show, Embouteillage, served as a platform for exposing widespread corruption involving funds from the Cameroonian treasury.

He was found dead on January 22, 2023, after being reported missing five days earlier. Just a week prior to his abduction, Zogo publicly accused Belinga of corruption during his radio program.

The revelation of extensive surveillance dating back seven years paints a troubling picture of the dangers faced by journalists in Cameroon.

In reaction to the said information, the CPJ asked that Cameroonian authorities disclose which journalists, in addition to murdered journalist Martinez Zogo, have been targeted for surveillance by the country’s counterintelligence service.

Source: Cameroon News Ag

OTJIWARONGO: A 34-year-old man died instantly in the early hours of Sunday after he was allegedly stabbed in the chest by his girlfriend at their house in Okahandja.

Namibian Police Force (NamPol)’s Otjozondjupa Crime Investigations Coordinator, Deputy Commissioner, Edna Nawa, in an interview with Nampa on Sunday said the deceased was identified as Sebedeus Davis.

His close relatives were also informed on Sunday about his death, said Nawa.

The incident occurred at about 01h05 on Sunday morning at Nau-Aib township at the town, Nawa said.

‘It is alleged that Davis and his 40-year-old girlfriend had an argument over food shortly after their arrival home from a drinking place,’ Nawa stated.

She added that the police’s preliminary investigations indicate that the deceased allegedly took a wooden plank and hit the girlfriend while demanding for food.

In return, the suspect (girlfriend) who was preparing a meal for him, allegedly pick up a kitchen knife and stabbed Davis once on the left upper chest area.

is sustained a deep cut wound, and as he tried to walk a few steps towards the door to exit, he fell down, said Nawa.

The suspect walked to the Okahandja Police Station herself and reported the matter.

She was apprehended there on a murder charge.

However, she was taken to the hospital by the police for the medical treatment on the alleged bruises she sustained in the altercation.

A knife suspected to have been used in the stabbing was also found and confiscated by the police.

The woman is expected to appear in the Okahandja Magistrate’s Court on Monday.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Bomet County Commissioner Dr Omar Ahmed has directed all security officers to enforce stringent directives proclaimed by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua to fight against illegal alcohol and substance abuse in the Country.

In a consultative county meeting of national government administrative officers (NGAO), Sub- County Police commanders, Officers Commanding Police stations (OCS), and Critical Infrastructure Protection Unit officers (CIPU)from all sub-counties, Dr Omar warned that any officer whose integrity will hamper the operation would be held responsible and dealt with.

‘Security officers who’s ethical and integrity issues compromise the fight against alcohol, and substance abuse in their jurisdictions will be held liable and accountable for failing to curb or abate the crime and will be interdicted,’ warned Dr. Omar.

A sting operation by security personnel across the county revealed that over 150 bars and wines and spirits outlets operated illegally or without following guidelines from the respecti
ve Sub-County Alcohol and Licensing Committee.

‘It has come to our attention that some alcohol joints are operating without following due process as required by the law, from licensing and adhering to the required guidelines; some even mushroom after inspections and crackdowns have been carried out in their respective areas. I am sending a warning to all OCS to enforce this directive and ensure that these joints cease operations with immediate effect,’ directed Omar.

Some of the guidelines and measures put in place to eradicate illicit brew directed that no bar/wine and spirit outlets should operate within 300 meters of school compounds.

The guidelines further stated that no bars or alcohol joints shall be allowed to operate beyond the stipulated operation hours as provided in section 34 of the Alcoholic Drinks Control Act failure to which operators will be fined or imprisoned as provided by the law.

County Police Commander Robinson Ndiwa urged police officers to ensure all directives set in place are adh
ered to and asked them to enforce the law on operators who will fail to follow the guidelines set in place by the government.

The Police boss also warned his officers against colluding with the offenders stating that officers found culpable won’t only face disciplinary action but also risk losing their jobs.

‘The government has made itself abundantly clear that illicit alcohol, drugs, and substance abuse will not be tolerated in any form, the need to demonstrate this cannot be gainsaid.

In keeping in line with the administration’s commitment, we are bound to take responsibility and meet the full consequences for any action that we will take, we are ready for this task,’ explained Ndiwa.

‘Operations like this have happened before and we are aware that we do have rogue police officers who abet and play alongside suspects who handle counterfeits alcohol, don’t observe guidelines from the licensing committees, etcetera, let me warn you that if we find you culpable you will face the law instantly,’ warned Ndiw

The government announced a week ago the fight against illicit brews, drugs, and substance abuse among youths terming it a grave concern after the country lost 20 individuals in one village in Kirinyaga County.

Alcohol and drug abuse is also directly and negatively impacting economic growth and development, ruining lives and livelihoods, causing family disintegration, facilitating crime, and the spread of diseases.

Source: Kenya News Agency