Maragua Dam To Supply Water To More Than 18,000 Households

The Commissioning of the Maragua bulky water project on Thursday will see more than 18,000 households in parts of Murang’a south sub-county get connected to piped water.

The Sh. 1 billion dam that was completed early 2023, will supply 11, 000 residents with clean water for domestic use and another 7, 000 persons with water for irrigation.

President William Ruto while commissioning the project averred the government will inject Sh. 180 million to facilitate last mile water connections to homestead.

He said the dam constructed at the confluence of rivers Irati and Maragua can supply 15, 000 cubic meters of water daily.

The President further noted that the reservoir with a capacity of 800, 000 cubic meters will be managed by Murang’a Water and Sanitation Company (Muwasco).

He directed Water Cabinet Secretary Zacharia Njeru to immediately hand over the Maragua bulk water project to Murang’a county Government and Muwasco.

His announcement brought to an end wrangles between Muwasco and Murang’a South Water a
nd Sanitation Company (Muswasco) on who should manage the dam that was completed during the last days of the last regime.

The president asked the local county administration led by Governor Irungu Kang’ata to ensure the dam is well utilized and for the benefit of the Maragua people.

With the launching of the dam, locals expressed hopes the water challenges they have experienced will be mitigated.

Areas lined up to benefit from the bulky water projects fall under semi-arid parts of the county and the provision of commodities will be of great boost to hygiene and irrigation farming in Murang’a south.

Muwasco is among other four water firms in the county that have transferred their ownership to the county administration.

On the other hand, Muwasco which according to the Water Services Regulatory Board (Wasreb) is supposed to supply water to Maragua and other two neighbouring sub-counties of Kigumo and Kandara, opted to remain under the national government.

On his part, governor Kang’ata observed, that Muwa
sco had already started supplying water to some parts of Murang’a south despite opposition from Muswasco.

He noted the move by Muwasco to give residents of Kambiti, Marajau among other neighbouring villages water despite going against Wasreb boundary issues, was humanitarian.

‘The county government with Muwaso will manage the Maragua water project and I commit to ensure there will be 100 percent connections,’ said the Governor.

Meanwhile, the president when he visited the affordable housing programme being implemented at the Makeji area in Kandara said the opposition would not sway his development agenda as he was focused on empowering Kenyans through water, housing, roads, and health programmes.

He stated at Makeji 220 housing units were being constructed saying his administration was looking for a solution to challenges facing the country.

Murang’a County requires more than 11,000 house units with manpower from 22,000 youths.

Murang’a leaders who accompanied the President hailed the affordable housing
programme at Makeji describing it as a game changer as the county government is constructing Kenneth Matiba Level Five Hospital.

Source: Kenya News Agency