Mbouda: SDo imposes weekly cleanup campaign

This is the main reason why the Senior Divisional Officer for Bamboutos, David Dalor Dibango on June 29, 2023, launched a hygiene and sanitation campaign to fight against urban disorder.

During the launch, the SDO called on the local population to double efforts and always keep their areas clean, thus giving the town a new face-lift.

“Everybody has to be concerned with the new gesture. In comparison with other localities in the West region, Mbouda is last in terms of cleanliness, we should accept that and it is time for me to react to that with this cleanup campaign launched this day, ” declared David Dalor Dibango, SDO for Bamboutos.

This gesture comes in response to a call from Governor Awa Fonka Augustine of the West Region to fight against urban disorder during the region’s Security and Administrative Coordination meeting that was held on June 12, 2023.

This call was intensified by the Mayor of Mbouda who criss-crossed various commercial stands in the town to sensitize traders on the need to respond favorably to the SDO’s call.

The SDO promised to make unannounced visits in each of the four subdivisions to ensure that the measures are implemented.

Thursdays have been fixed as days for human investment in the town when traders will be obliged to close their shops and business places and clean their surroundings, for a period of time. Defaulters of this measure will be punished in accordance with the law, he said.

Source: Cameroon News Agency