Migori Witnesses Calm On The Second Day Of Azimio’s Protests

Calmness has returned in Migori, Awendo and Rongo towns as the country enters the second consecutive day of the Azimio demonstrations.

A spot check on the busy Migori-Kisii and Isebania highway showed majority of the businesses are still closed with little movement of people being witnessed while the public Service vehicles (PSV) remain grounded in various safe places like petrol stations across the town.

However, there are those that took their vehicles to the Kuria region to towns like Kehancha and Isebania for fear of being vandalized in Migori Town.

The police have managed to remove erected stones and burning tires that were placed on the road during the night by the demonstrators with the aim of paralyzing transport on the busy Migori-Kisii and Isebania highway.

The police moved into town as early as dawn break and managed to remove the barricades as they engaged with a few protestors in town down and Oruba estate suburb.

Yesterday various primary schools within the town like Ombo, Assar Johanson and Migori Primary remained closed for fear of the demonstration escalation. The situation has not yet improved with only a handful of students reporting back to these schools.

At the same time, residents of Migori have continued to complain about excessive force by the police where two people were shot yesterday.

The two were shot in Oruba estate just on the outskirts of Migori town and were taken to Oruba Nursing Home for first aid services and later referred to Migori County Referral Hospital for further treatment.

Charles Osewe, a boda boda official in Migori condemned the action and noted that the Oruba Estate in Suna West Sub County was being targeted by police as a place that was instigating violence.

Source: Kenya News Agency