Mouhoun/Review of the 2023-2024 school year: Regional directors discuss with the press

Ouagadougou: The regional director of post-primary and secondary education, Dr Denis Vimboué and his colleague from preschool, primary and non-formal education in Boucle du Mouhoun, Philibert Hyacinthe Coulibaly, jointly hosted this Thursday 25 July 2024 in Dédougou, a press conference, to present the results of the past school year with a focus on school exams.

After nine months of hard work crowned by the organization of school exams for the 2024 session, it was fashionable for the first officials in charge of Education in the Boucle du Mouhoun to take stock of their partners.

It is in this context that the meeting with the press was initiated by the regional directors in charge of Education, on Thursday July 25, 2024 in Dédougou, in order to share this assessment which focused more on the school exams of the 2024 session.

In the report presented, the regional director of post-primary and secondary education, Dr Denis Vimboué and his colleague from preschool, primary and non-formal education in Boucle du
Mouhoun, Philibert Hyacinthe Coulibaly, praised the courage and resilience of the different actors who made it possible to organize the exams.

They also welcomed the great involvement of the administrative and military authorities who invested in the smooth running of the school year and exams in the six provinces of the region despite the difficult security context.

‘I salute the courage and sense of sacrifice of all those involved who were willing to put the interests of the students above all else, by returning to these localities to ensure educational continuity,’ said Dr Denis Vimboué.

Presenting the assessment of administrative management, it appears that the two regional directorates in charge of education have executed their 2024 activity program which has a good execution rate which is above 50.

In terms of school exam results, the day’s speakers affirmed that the various exams were able to be held in the Boucle du Mouhoun region like other regions of our country.

These various examinations orga
nized by their respective managements went well with the help of all those involved.

The region recorded a success rate of 76.50% for the CEP, the BEPC 44.26%, the BEP 83.52%, the CAP 93.65% and the BAC 53.79%.

For these results, the regional directors stressed that these performances are to the credit of education stakeholders.

They paid vibrant tribute to the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP), for the effort made which allowed activities to take place in peace and serenity.

Speaking on the use of SIGEC software for the administration of school exams, Dr Denis Vimboué stressed that for this session, the process has seen a clear improvement with the SIGEC software which is in its second year of implementation.

‘Despite some difficulties, the actors selected for its use are taming it better and better. As a tool, it remains perfectible and the entire decision-making chain is mobilized for its improvement,’ he said.

Questions related to the reopenin
g of exam centers, difficulties in organizing exams, and exam results were asked by media people and found satisfactory answers.

They also expressed their gratitude to the press for the work of visibility of the actions of their respective departments and wished for support for future activities.

Source: Burkina Information Agency