Nakuru Residents Urged To Embrace Alternative Dispute Resolution

Residents of Nakuru County have been advised to embrace Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to unravel the longstanding delays in issuing title deeds.

The County Executive for Lands, Physical Planning, Housing, and Urban Development John Kihagi said ADR offers a more efficient, cost-effective, and flexible way to address the numerous land issues in the county.

Mr. Kihagi was speaking today at Sumak farm in Gaakwa and Kiriko villages in Rongai Sub-county said some of the court issues and disagreements date as far back as 1964.

The area MCA who is also the County Assembly Majority leader, Dr. Alex Lang’at concurred with the Physical planner, saying ADR provides a platform for amicable resolutions, maintaining relationships and ensuring that disputes are resolved in a manner that meets the unique needs of the parties involved.

While advising residents on the positive aspects of ADR, Dr. Lang’at said it includes processes, such as mediation or arbitration, that are quicker than traditional court litigation.
And, is particularly significant for resolving land disputes, which can have a direct impact on individuals, families, and communities.

The area MCA emphasized the cost-effectiveness of ADR rather than going through the court system since it doesn’t involve legal fees, court costs, and other expenses that can overburden individuals involved in land disputes.

The MCA noted that land disputes sometimes involve family members, neighbors, or community members. But, the ADR process is designed to foster communication and understanding, hence helping to preserve relationships that might otherwise be strained by court proceedings.

The planner assured the residents of Kiriko, Kamwaura, and Sumek farms whose title deeds have not been issued since 1964 due to individual differences, including administrative processes, and boundary disputes that once they accept ADR the process would be more efficient.

Source: Kenya News Agency