Narok County Breaks Gender Barriers As Women Are Being Allocated LandIipumbu officially opens Ogongo Annual Festival

In a historic turn of events, the traditionally patriarchal Maasai community in the Loita area of Narok South is witnessing a groundbreaking transformation with the recent land sub-division, where women are finally receiving equal land parcels as men.

For years, the Maasai society has been characterised by gender disparities, with women often marginalised and denied equal rights.

However, the recent allocation of land shares to women is heralding a new era of empowerment, breaking the shackles of tradition and providing a platform for positive change.

Mama Noontomon Simel, a village elder from Kisokon area, shares her story of newfound empowerment.

She is optimistic that with the new regulations in the land demarcation, she will educate her children, something that seemed like a distant dream.

‘I can now send my children to school without worrying about discrimination. The land I will own is not just a piece of earth; it’s a ticket to a better life for my kids,’ says Noontomon.

This shift in land owner
ship has provided women like her with the agency to break free from the chains of illiteracy and ensure that the next generation is equipped with tools for success.

Mama Noormaai Punke, another beneficiary of the land sub-division, highlights the broader societal impact of this initiative.

‘Women are not just homemakers; we are contributors to the community. With equal land shares, we now have a say in matters that affect us all,’ asserts Noormaai.

Traditionally, decision-making in the Maasai community has been a male-dominated affair. However, with women now holding tangible assets, their voices are gaining the recognition they rightfully deserve, she adds.

The Maasai community has long grappled with issues such as female genital mutilation (FGM) and early marriages, perpetuating a cycle of inequality and limited opportunities for women.

The two women, both of whom have not received formal education, believe that this shift in land ownership will serve as a catalyst for change.

‘Education is the antido
te to practices like FGM and early marriages. When women are educated, they become agents of change, challenging harmful traditions and reshaping the narrative for younger generations,’ says Noontomon.

Ms Gladys Mokompo, a committee member of the land adjudication at Morijo section, stands as a beacon of leadership and change. As someone actively involved in decision-making processes, she embodies the shifting dynamics within the community.

‘Being part of the land adjudication committee gives me the chance to contribute to shaping the future of our community. Women’s voices matter, and now we are being heard,’ says Ms Mokompo.

Her role not only signifies progress but also represents the breaking down of traditional barriers that have excluded women from leadership roles.

Both women hope that by setting an example through their own empowerment, they can inspire others in the community to prioritise education for their daughters.

The move towards equal land shares is not just a legal victory; it is a cultu
ral revolution within the Maasai community.

By challenging ingrained gender norms, the Loita area is laying the groundwork for a more inclusive and progressive society where women can contribute meaningfully to community development.

The Loita ward has five sub-sections namely Morijo, Entasekera, Ilkerin, Olmesuti, and Olorte sections, and is the only area in Narok County where the residents have been living on communal land.

This is the first time women in the Maa community are benefiting from land in equal measures with their male counterparts, a decision that could reduce the violence against women cases in the county.

Speaking during the launch of Morijo Sub section land adjudication exercise, Deputy Director in the Directorate of Land Adjudication and Settlement Michael Irungu said each beneficiary will get an average of 8 to 15 acres of land, depending on the adjudication section they originate from.

Mr Irungu commended the community for allowing women to be given land in equal measures saying each
family will get an average of five parcels of land.

‘Each family will get an average of five parcels of land as the man, his wives and sons will all get land in equal shares,’ he said, adding that those in polygamous settings will get larger portions as each wife will get an equal share of land.

The process, he said, is expected to be completed in mid-2024 when the residents will get their title deeds.

The deputy director said the community had agreed to set aside a community forest which will be managed under the Community Land Act while the individual land will be under the Land Adjudication Act.

Narok South Deputy County Commissioner Felix Kisalu said the land register has more women than men because many families are polygamous, commending the community for breaking the gender partiality.

‘We expect Gender Based Violence (GBV) to reduce after the land allocation because women will be empowered. I commend the community for including women in the land register,’ he said.

The Loita land is rich in agri
cultural production but the residents also keep the traditional livestock in large numbers on the expansive land.
Source: Kenya News Agency

OSHAKATI: Minister of Industrialisation and Trade (MIT), Lucia Iipumbu, said agriculture has remained one of the strongest growth points of the year.

Iipumbu was speaking during the official opening of the Ogongo Annual Festival in the Omusati Region on Friday.

The festival is being held under the theme ‘Live, Love and Enjoy Through Innovation.’

Iipumbu explained that the Ogongo Annual Festival provides an opportunity to appreciate the richness of lives, the diversity of culture and the strength of unity.

According to Iipumbu, there have been various initiatives at both regional and constituency level aimed at accelerating and scaling agricultural activities, with the latest being the recent receipt of tractors from government, which are coming at an opportune time to allow the region to fully leverage on modern agricultural technology.

‘MIT is an ardent proponent of entrepreneurial and business development in the country. It is therefore our hope that as we continue to make inroads in terms of finding o
ur niches for this community, its citizens, particularly the youth, must continuously engage their office, including their regional office in Outapi to get more detailed information on their various programmes and initiatives, which they can collaborate on to bring about meaningful economic growth and development for the settlement.

Iipumbu further stated that the ministry has continued to hold consultative engagements where they share important information related to their initiatives such as the Emperetec Training Programme, as per their mandate.

‘Business at all levels, including our informal traders and startups, must therefore be innovative and learn to work together in teams by clustering themselves and approaching the MIT for assistance in this regard,’ she added.

The festival, which kicked off on Thursday, will conclude on Sunday.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency