Over 500 Alcohol Outlets To Be Closed In Embu County

The Embu County Government and the National Government Administration Officials have identified over 500 liquor retail outlets that will not have their licenses renewed.

Embu Governor Cecily Mbarire said the outlets are those found to be near schools and in the villages and whose owners have been advised to venture into other business activities.

She said the national and county governments are working in tandem to control the wanton drunkenness that has left a trail of destroyed youth and broken homes.

The Governor spoke to the media after a meeting with the County Security Committee led by County Commissioner Jack Obuo.

Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria who was within the county said they are going to scrutinize alcohol outlets which retail cheap spirits at below Sh250 for a 250 ml bottle to find out how they do it and realize a profit.

Kuria revealed that research has shown that the cost of producing a 250ml spirit bottle and packaging is Sh250 and that they will be asking manufacturers whe
re they’ve been accessing spirits at a cheaper price.

Mbarire commended the security officers for impounding 534 crates of illicit liquor at Kianjokoma two days ago.

Source: Kenya News Agency