PCRN warns Equinoxe television from talking about partyKakamega County To Train Farmers On Profitable Value Chain In Pig Farming

Usually, one is used to seeing political parties abstaining from taking part in debates on certain Television channels or radio because of the editorial policy that they deem not fit for their political agenda. But the recent decision by the National Party for the Reconciliation of Cameroon has been seen as a bombshell.

The party’s Communication Director, Armand Okol said the Douala-based private media has been constantly reporting against the party ‘We have noticed that for nearly four years now, just after the double legislative and municipal elections of 2020, the treatment of the news and activities of the PCRN in your communication media has been very unorthodox. Every time or almost every time, the reports are incriminating, unbalanced, and devoid of any professionalism, with the bonus of an excessive bias that rivals in skill with disinformation, flippancy, hypocrisy, mischievousness, pettiness, malice, and even defamation.’

This statement that was sent to the founder of Equinoxe Television, Severin
Tchounkeu, came after the party’s founder Robert Kona travelled back to his Guidiguis base in the far north region, after interrupting a Convention. Mr. Robert Kona accused the party’s 2018 Presidential election’s flagbearer, Hon. Cabral Libii of ignoring his calls, not toeing party lines and not responding to party orders, meanwhile, he was aware of these guidelines before his investiture.

Eequinxoe television in its 8 PM prime time news on Boxing Day broadcast the return of the party chairman.

This angered Cabral Libii and co who swiftly reacted by prohibiting Equinoxe television from talking about them.

‘This surprising stance is reflected in the categorical refusal to broadcast our activities in the field, even though logistical arrangements have been made to facilitate media coverage of the teams. But curiously, the journalists in this media group are highly motivated and lash out unmercifully at the slightest opportunity when a news item incriminates or works against the PCRN, confirming the theory o
f a cleverly hatched plan and a strong suspicion of instructions formally given to denigrate and undermine the PCRN.’ The statement partially read.

As a result, the party decided ‘to prohibit the use and/or mention in any way whatsoever of anything related to the PCRN by all communications media, staff, and guests of Groupe Équinoxe media programs. Similarly, media coverage of PCRN activities is strictly forbidden to all Groupe Équinoxe media personnel.

Observers have wondered how they will succeed with such a warning when the media is supposed to talk about everything news. It has also baffled many who wonder how a party that is out to reconcile Cameroonians is fighting the media that projected its candidate during the 2018 polls.
Source: Cameroon News Agency

Kakamega County administration will offer extension services and pigs to farmers to boost food security and wealth creation in the region.

Governor Fernandes Barasa said the move will enable pig farmers to increase their stocks and explore markets for pig products.

The governor also said there are plans to initiate a program to provide subsidized feeds and to revive the pig slaughterhouse in Ikolomani Sub County where operations had stalled for lack of sufficient stock.

‘My administration will also engage investors and source markets for pig products on their behalf to enhance profits,’ he said.

He said some of the profitable value chains in pig farming include skin, pork and quality manure with high-standard biogas for both domestic and commercial use.

‘My administration will empower farmers through pig farming in line with our food security and wealth creation pillars,’ said the Governor.

He noted that pig farming remains one of the most highly profitable agribusiness farm initiatives due to the prod
uctive nature of pigs with the ability to deliver ten piglets at once.

‘The gestation period of a pig is three months, three weeks and three days coupled with a swift maturation period of just six months,’ He clarified.

Barasa said already in the first phase, farmers in Navakholo, Shinyalu, Ikolomani and Lurambi sub-counties have benefitted from the distribution exercise.

He said they have offered large white and duroc breeds to farmers because of their quick adaptability in the region.

While speaking in the county today, he said the subsequent distribution phase will extend to farmers in the remaining sub-counties.

The governor said to sustain the project, farmers will employ the pass-on method where after receiving an in-pig or two pigs (Female and Male)) the beneficiaries are required to give four piglets to other farmers after parturition.

He said the county government has also established a pig multiplication center at Bukura Agricultural Training Centre (ATC) through the Department of Agriculture.
ource: Kenya News Agency