President Ruto defends his decision to retain Kindiki as Interior CS

Speaking during a tour of Tharaka Nithi at the Maara CDF offices on Thursday, the head of state heaved praises to the reinstated Interior and National Government Administration Cabinet Secretary, Prof. Kindiki, underscoring that the CS had combated insecurity and succeeded in restoring peace in the cattle rustling-prone regions of the country.

Ruto also defended the choice of his Cabinet secretary nominees with inclusivity in the government, stressing that this will unite the country and promote a conducive environment for development.

‘This is our country, and we should ensure that we do not destroy it. We do not have another country to go to. I said there will no longer be discrimination. Let us form a government that unites the country to attain development,’ President Ruto asserted.

On his part, Professor Kindiki thanked the President for his development tour of the county, ascertaining that the major challenge which the government faced upon taking office was struggling to stabilise the security and e
conomy of the country, which has now been achieved.

‘We will no longer have political intolerance and disruptions because we are all in the same government. I am now confident that with the choice of inclusivity in the government through the Cabinet, Kenyans are going to reap big,’ Professor Kindiki said.

This came only a day after Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki called on Tharaka Nithi residents to embrace and support the President’s nominated Cabinet Secretaries.

Speaking while opening a new Polytechnic at Kajuki on Wednesday, Njuki urged residents to accept the nominated CSs shared between President William Ruto and Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

‘I plead with residents to fully support President William Ruto’s measures that are aimed at ensuring there is inclusivity in government, peace, and progress in this country. Since 2002, during the late former President Mwai Kibaki’s reign, we have been experiencing the worst chaos and deadly protests,’ Njuki had said.

Njuki, on his part at a differ
ent function, said Kenyans must change the notion of voting on tribal bases like many have been doing in the Mt. Kenya East and Central region, where they vote overwhelmingly as a block to punish Raila.

He thanked the President for reappointing Prof. Kindiki to the Ministry of Interior.

The Governor, however, did not forget to remind the President to honour his promise to reconstruct the infamous Nithi Bridge, which has been claiming many lives through accidents since its construction in the early 1980s.

‘I am aware that with the workmanship in you and the support from our MPs, you will allocate money to redesign and build the killer Nithi Bridge. I know it may consume a lot of money, but nothing is impossible with you. I am confident that before 2027, you will have fulfilled this pledge you made to our people,’ Njuki said.

The Maara MP, Kareke Mbiuki, lamented that residents of his constituency have been on his neck demanding the completion of stalled roads and water projects.

‘The NG-CDF and other fund
s you channel are transforming lives. However, there are so many stalled roads that are giving me blood pressure, and we request your intervention. There are also other development projects, including dams, that we seek your help in completing for our people to stop suffering from lack of water for domestic and irrigation purposes,’

Also present was Tharaka Nithi County Deputy Governor Nyagah Muisrael, who emphasised that the county government will support Ruto’s administration for developments to trickle down to the county.

Source: Kenya News Agency