Proposed Maragua-4 Dam To Increase Water Coverage In Drier Parts Of Murang’a

The proposed Maragua – 4 Dam is expected to supply water to areas of Murang’a County, which have no steady supply of the commodity, Water Cabinet Secretary (CS), Zacharia Njeru, has said.

Njeru, who was among mourners during the burial of a Kahatia resident, the late, Henry Njai Maingi, Tuesday, observed that the National Treasury, is working to get funds to kick-start construction of the Dam expected to consume Sh.42 billion.

The CS said once the Dam proposed to be constructed at the border of Kigumo and Kahuro Sub-county is completed, water shortage in several parts of the County, will become a thing of the past.

The Dam is designed to produce 180, 000 cubic metres of water on a daily basis, that would be shared between Murang’a and Nairobi counties.

Areas anticipated to benefit from the Dam include, lower parts of Kigumo, Kahuro, Kiharu and Maragua Sub-counties.

‘The Government has the responsibility to provide water to its citizens. Maragua Dam is among the earmarked mega dams to be implemented by th
e Kenya Kwanza Administration. When completed, many parts of Murang’a will get a steady supply of clean water,’ he added.

Treasury, he revealed, is looking to partner with various international donor organizations, to get the funds required to implement the project.

He added that apart from the planned construction of 100 mega dams across the country, the government is also working on doing many social dams, to guarantee enough water for Kenyans in various parts of the country.

‘Rehabilitation of colonial dams is also going on and once these projects are fully implemented, water coverage in the country will go up, and spare people hectic struggles, as they search for clean water,’ he added.

The CS challenged security apparatus in Murang’a, to crack down gangs, who have been terrorizing residents.

He lamented that the late, Henry Njai Maingi, who was being buried, met his death after he was attacked and robbed by unknown assailants, on his way home from Kahatia Shopping Centre.

‘I appeal to security pers
onnel in Murang’a to arrest the members of gangs who are mugging, breaking and stealing from residents. Insecurity poses a threat to investments and development in the area. What is more worrying is killing of people,’ he stated?

Kahuro Deputy County Commissioner, Fredrick Muli, observed they are committed to ending insecurity and drug abuse in the area.

He noted the lawlessness is highly contributed to drug abuse and increased alcoholism, saying security officers have embarked on cracking down illicit brews within a period of two weeks.

‘Idleness, drugs and alcohol abuse are greatly contributing to insecurity incidences in this Sub-county. It’s also unfortunate to see the area has more than 300 bars and about 115 schools. The security team is committed to end drugs and alcohol menace, within the shortest time possible,’ he added.

Source: Kenya News Agency