Residents Of West Pokot Hailed For Effort In Gender EmpowermentECN to reach out to young voters

Residents and stakeholders in West Pokot County have been commended for their dedication to work closely with both National and County governments, to build a future where every woman and vulnerable groups, including children can experience a life filled with dignity and equal opportunities.

They have been particularly praised for demonstrating their willingness to eradicate violence against women and girls, as they create a community where women and their children are safe from all types of abuse and deprivation.

Speaking at St Elizabeth Morpus Girls Secondary, Spouse to the West Pokot Governor, Scovia Kachapin expressed gratitude towards women groups, companies, and organizations for their dedication and collaborative efforts that have played a crucial role in promoting the empowerment of women and girl-child that has enabled them realize their potentials.

”To UN Women, Village Enterprise, FAO, World Vision, Action Against Hunger (ACF), Jitokezee, DSW, Impact Generation, the Fred Hollows Foundation, Equ
ity Afya, Perur Ray of Hope Organisation, Kalya Radio, North Rift Radio, CICR, Global Give Back Circle, International Tree Foundation and all our esteemed partners, your contributions have not gone unnoticed. Your tireless endeavors, resources and expertise have paved way for equality, opportunity, dignity for women and girls in West Pokot and beyond,” Mrs Kachapin outlined.

Mrs Kachapin noted that the County Government, in partnership with Women groups, companies, and organisations, has successfully executed innovative programmes, supplied vital resources, and promoted awareness on various matters such as education, healthcare, economic empowerment, and gender-based violence.

The efforts which she said have effectively dismantled obstacles, defied stereotypes, and fostered an environment, conducive to the growth and prosperity of women and girls in the region.

She emphasised the importance of maintaining vigilance in the pursuit of gender equality, while acknowledging the region’s appreciation for the ac
complishments that have been made so far.

”However, even as we revel in the progress we have achieved, we must remain vigilant in our quest for gender equality. We must confront and dismantle the systematic hurdles and ingrained biases that continue to hinder the full realisation of women rights and potentials. Education, empowerment, and inclusivity remain steadfast in our endeavors to forge a fairer and more just society for all,” she emphasised.

She reiterated the importance of concerted effort by all, to jointly strive for a future where every woman and girl can experience a life filled with dignity, equality, and opportunities.

She expressed her gratitude to the women and girls in the region for their unwavering strength, courage, and relentless determination in overcoming countless obstacles despite facing numerous challenges.

Mrs Kachapin further emphasised her unwavering commitment to champion the rights of women and girls, advocate for their empowerment, and pave the way for their advancement.

he emphasised that by working together, a future can be shaped, where every woman and girl, not only flourishes but also has their voices heard and their contribution valued and respected.

Ms Leah Okero, the Kenya Country Director for Village Enterprises, highlighted he Oganisation’s commitment to empowering women in West Pokot County, through gender-responsive Climate Smart Agriculture programs that she noted have made significant investments in the region, including providing women with tools, training, and resources needed for them to thrive in agriculture, as well as lift themselves out of poverty.

Each year, she said, Village Enterprise targets to assist 1,080 households, with 80 percent of them being women living in severe poverty. They provide training in financial and business skills, as well as grants to kickstart their entrepreneurial ventures.

Ms Okero acknowledged woman in West Pokot, for their efforts to fully exploit their potential by empowering themselves through various ventures, saying th
e move will not only benefit their immediate families but also future generation.

Ms Caroline Menach, the Principal of St Elizabeth Girls School, Morpus, and a holder of the Order of the Grand Warrior (OGW) and Head of State Commendations (HSC), and the Director of Perur Ray of Hope Organisation, called for collaboration in addressing the challenges posed by unpredicted climate change and rainfall patterns in the region.

She said that through collaboration with partners, the Organization has successfully provided training to women in financial and business skills, kitchen garden, Ushanga Initiative, and tree nursery cultivation, an initiative aimed to empower women to generate income, thereby improving their food security and livelihoods.

Ms Menach pointed out that assisting women through support and training in livelihood activities, not only empowers them, but also benefits their children by enabling them to attend school.

She expressed her gratitude to the Organisations and partners who have dedicated
themselves to a range of actions aimed at safeguarding the well-being of women, girls, and children, by establishing investments, offering training and resources to combat violence against women, children and girls.

According to West Pokot Action Against Hunger Organisation, West Pokot Field Coordinator, Mercy Lomuk, emphasised that empowering women not only benefit households, but also strengthens the entire community.

She said the Action Against Hunger Organization aims to empower women in all aspects, enabling them to generate income for their households and provide food for their families.

Ms Teresa Cheptoo, the Children Protection Officer at the World Vision, emphasised the Organization’s unwavering commitment to joining forces with other organizations and partners, in order to firmly denounce any form of violence towards women, children and girls.

She emphasised the importance of advocating for the well-being of women, empowering them to assert themselves and seize opportunities in the realms of bus
iness, politics, and education.

Ms. Cheptoo noted that by doing so, they can tap their potential and achieve success, just like other courageous women who have led the way.

Kipkomo Sub county Deputy County Commissioner, Sheilla Imbanga, urged the women to seize the various opportunities available at both county and national government levels. She highlighted the numerous empowering opportunities that women can take advantage of.

She urged the parents to ensure their children attend school, as education remains crucial for achieving prosperity.

Source: Kenya News Agency

WINDHOEK: The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) has launched its democracy awareness campaign with a particular focus on increasing youth participation in the electoral process.

The commission has acknowledged the need to encourage the youth to register as voters in the upcoming general voter registration from 03 June to August 2024.

ECN last week announced that all eligible Namibian voters will have to register to vote ahead of the presidential and national assembly elections in November 2024.

The democracy awareness campaign, which is part of the voter and civic education campaign for the registration of voters, is themed the Step Up Campaign under the slogan ‘Step up for your right, register to vote.’

ECN Commissioner Gerson Tjihenuna said that to encourage the youth, information, education materials, and campaigns will have the slogan ‘Your future lies with youth, step up and register to vote.’

He said to ensure active youth participation, the ECN will make use of youth ambassadors to influence t
he participation of young people in the electoral process.

‘The ECN is cognisant of the fact that the youth constitute the highest number of eligible voters in Namibia, however, their turnout during electoral processes has been low. To ensure youth participation during the upcoming electoral processes, the ECN has to come up with programmes and strategies aimed at promoting their participation,’ he said during the launch of ECN electoral calendar and awareness campaign last week.

Meanwhile, the electoral commission has picked Ms Teen Namibia, Oriana Ribeiro, as the lead youth ambassador for its voter and civic education.

Ribeiro told Nampa that for young people to secure their future, they must participate in the democratic process.

‘It is important for young people like me to get involved in the electoral process by registering and voting. What we need to realise is that Namibia is our future. We need to start taking initiative and contributing in meagre ways to our society. The first step we need to tak
e is to cultivate the kind of future we want. And we can do that by voting and being part of the electoral process,’ said the 19-year-old first-time voter.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency