Seawork Cares & FNB continue to improve school attendance at primary schools

Seawork Cares through its Adopt-a-School initiative, in association with FNB Namibia, continues to significantly improve school attendance at primary schools in the Kunene, ?Karas and Kavango East regions by providing daily nutritious meals to over 860 underprivileged children.

The initiative aims to promote education in Namibia by providing a healthy meal to underprivileged learners, thereby increasing school attendance, and ultimately improving academic performance by allowing them to focus on their education without worrying about where their next meal is coming from.

FirstRand Group Corporate Social Investment (CSI) Manager Revonia Job in a press release issued on Tuesday said that to date, FNB through the FirstRand Foundation has contributed a total of N.dollars 450 000 to this initiative.

Job highlighted the importance of keeping children in school by giving them the right tools to ensure their success saying that through partnerships with non-profit organisations like Seawork Cares, corporates can make a real difference in the lives of communities.

“Food insecurity is one of the biggest challenges facing underprivileged learners in our society which often hinders their academic progress. The FirstRand Foundation believes in giving children a fair chance to enable them to be successful in their academic journeys thus this partnership is vital for us to achieve just that,” she said.

Seawork Cares Project Coordinator Annie Theron said that the community’s response to the Adopt-a-School program has been overwhelmingly positive, with teachers, parents, and students expressing gratitude for the support received.

“This expansion represents a remarkable milestone in our mission to uplift communities and provide better opportunities for children in need,” she said.

Seawork Cares is a non-profit initiative established to support and assist Namibia’s most vulnerable individuals and to provide those in need with the resources to build a brighter future.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency