Separatists kidnap GHS Oku Principal, demand huge ransomOf Households To Receive Mosquito Nets Starts

The Principal of GHS Oku, Motika Emmanuel, has been in Amba capacity for more than a week.

He was kidnapped on his way to distribute Report Cards to students, after the end of first term.

CNA is reliably informed that he has paid FCFA 1.5 million out of the FCFA 6.5 demanded as ransom for his release.

Motika was later forced to write a message on his Facebook page requesting the Manager is his account at BAPCUL in Bamenda, North West region, to loan him FCFA 5 million so he can complete the ransom.

He described the situation as ‘life threatening’ and further pleaded on the Manager to disburse the money to his wife.

No group fighting in the restive region has claimed responsibility.

But the kidnappers said they had banned school in the area and see Motika’s presence as violation of their order.
Source: Cameroon News Agency

The digital registration of households in Nyamira is underway to prepare for the mass distribution of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs).

The County Executive for health Benard Maina, confirmed that they have officially launched digital registration in households for them to benefit from the mass ITN distribution programme.

The county is targeting to register 548,000 people, hence appealing to all residents to accept to be digitally registered, requiring only identification cards and mobile phone numbers for nets.

Maina confirmed that Community Health Promoters (CHP) have been thoroughly trained on how to handle the digital registration gadgets, sensitization to residents and has been adequately done and the exercise is scheduled to end on 24th of December.

CHPs will be accompanied with the village elders and those people are familiar to residents and they should not therefore refuse to give their details for registration.

The chairperson of health committee at Nyamira County assembly, Elijah Abere appeale
d to residents to ensure that they are registered so that they get ITNs, which will prevent them from contracting malaria this rainy season.

Consequently, Abere announced the distribution of ITNs starting January 6th, urging registered individuals to use them to prevent malaria, a costly and deadly disease.

He clarified that the government had scaled to digital registration of beneficiaries to know the exact number of beneficiaries and the county’s need of ITNs to guide during procurement and enable accountability of what our county has been allocated.

The chairperson urged the residents to provide accurate household information to the CHP, enabling health officers and malaria program coordinators to allocate sufficient ITNs without leaving anyone out.
Source: Kenya News Agency