TARDA Donates 11,000 Tree Seedlings To Iveti

Tana and Athi Rivers Development Authority (TARDA) has donated 11,000 tree seedlings to be planted at Iveti forest in Machakos county in line with the presidential directive of planting close to 15 billion trees by 2032.

TARDA Managing Director Liban Roba said the authority has partnered with other stakeholders including the National Government Administration Officers (NGAOs), National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) and the County Government to increase forest cover in the catchment area to mitigate climate change.

Roba said the initiative is part of TARDA’s mandate to conserve and protect water catchment areas across the country.

”The forest is a crucial water tower in Machakos and it is also a contributory catchment tower for the Athi river ecosystem,” added the managing director.

He called on Kenyans to rally behind the president’s clarion call on tree planting and conservation of forests.

”The target of planting 15 billion trees by 2032 is very achievable .We call on Kenyans who are th
e main stakeholders to plant trees and increase the country’s forest,”added Roba.

The managing director, speaking today during a tree planting exercise at Iveti forest, disclosed that TARDA was currently implementing over 10 afforestation programmes in Machakos where a total of 1.5 million assorted tree seedlings have been planted in various locations.

”Some of the locations include Kathiani Girls High school that has signed a memorandum of understanding with TARDA, Maruba dam, Mitaboni among other areas,” he said.

TARDA Managing Director Liban Roba speaking at Iveti forest during a tree planting exercise organized by TARDA. Photos by Anne Kangero

Speaking at the same event, Professor Reuben Muasya a member of the Board of Directors at TARDA said authority was working with the local communities in Machakos to curb deforestation and conserve forests.

He pointed TARDA was working in 19 counties across the country in the afforestation programs.

‘We are focusing mainly on planting indigenous trees and th
e ones that survive in different areas because of varying climatic conditions,’ said Muasya.

He lauded the Kenya Forest Service and NEMA for enforcing laws to curb illegal human activities in the forests like logging and charcoal burning.

Chief Inspector Immanuel Lewa speaking on behalf of the County Forest Conservator Milcah Mutua warned the locals against grazing in gazetted forests.

‘Ensure your cattle do not enter the forests. Those culpable will be held responsible. It is important to maintain and take care of the forests,’ said Inspector Lewa.

He disclosed that the newly recruited KFS foresters have been deployed to protect the forests across the county to prevent any illegal human activities.

”KFS is currently running an operation dubbed Imarisha Misitu for the next six months to stop any illegal activities in the forests,” said Lewa.

Source: Kenya News Agency