The stay of the head of the Malian parliament and the visit of the UN vice-secretary commented on by the Burkinabe daily newspapers

Ouagadougou: This Thursday’s publications comment on the visit of the UN mission to the President of Faso and the stay of the president of the National Transition Council (CNT) of Mali.

‘Parliamentary cooperation: the president of the CNT of Mali exchanges with Ousmane Bougouma’, displays the state daily Sidwaya on its front page.

According to the newspaper, the president of the Malian national transition council, Malick Diaw, arrived yesterday Wednesday in Ouagadougou for a working and friendship visit with the Burkinabè authorities.

For his part, the dean of private daily newspapers, L’Observateur Paalga, specifies that the head of the Malian parliament will take part in a series of activities including sponsorship of the exit of the 12th promotion of the higher institute of studies and civil protection (ISEPC).

On the same subject, the private newspaper Le Pays adds that this official visit will allow sister parliaments to boost their cooperation frameworks in response to current priorities, in particu
lar the prospects for the creation of confederal sessions of the parliaments of the member countries of the Alliance of States of the Sahel (AES).

In another register, the newspapers relay the audience granted by President Traoré to the vice-secretary of the UN, Amina Mohamed.

‘Security and humanitarian crisis: the United Nations reaffirms its commitment alongside Burkina Faso,’ headlines the public daily Sidwaya.

For the newspaper, the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations is on a mission to Burkina Faso to observe the realities that the country is going through in order to better contribute to providing lasting solutions to the challenges of Burkinabè.

In the same vein, L’Observateur Paalga reports that the challenges linked to education and food security are essential to development in the same way as the security challenge, and must be met through consultation with the Burkinabe authorities.

Source: Burkina Information Agency