There’s no need for a political transition in Cameroon – Emmanuel Sadi

The Government spokesperson was guest of the podcast ‘Le Grand Invité Afrique’ hosted by Christophe Boisbouvier on Wednesday March 13, 2024 where in close to 5 minutes, the Minister made some declarations on the political aspect of the country.

He began by declaring that there is no need for a political transition in Cameroon at the moment, when asked his point of view on Pr Titus Edzoa advocacy for a Political transition in Cameroon

‘There is no need for a political transition in Cameroon, institutions are operational and the President is fully exercising his duties. The question is inappropriate, that our point of view.’ Minister René Sadi.

In the outing, the Government spokesperson kept on defending the Biya regime refuting claims that the president has overruled the country.

He asked on whether he expects a change after 41 years of power by Biya, René Emmanuel Sadi said ‘Cameroonians are the ones to decide and presidential elections are being announced in 2025, there we shall see if Cameroonians to ch
ange in one way or the other.’

Christophe Boisbouvier on his part continued to talk of the former Secretary General at the presidency who said that since 2018, no campaign promise has been fulfilled.

In reaction, René Emmanuel Sadi qualified the declaration as unfounded

‘ That’s another unfounded expression. Politically, the President of the Republic organized a Major National Dialogue which led to the creation of a special status in the North West and South West Regions. Economically, great works have been engaged notably with the construction of hydroelectric dams, bridges, just to name a few. In the socio-cultural and sports domains, as you know, our country in 2022, organized one of the AFCONS, which is one of the best ever organized on the African continent. Pretending that nothing has been done since 2018 according to Pr Titus Edzoa, that should be of bad faith.’ René Emmanuel Sadi declared.

He continued by revealing that the president of the Republic will make known his decision on whether to stand
for another term or retire by the end of his mandate.

‘ President Paul has on many occasions, publicly pronounced himself on the question of his eventual candidature at the end of his current mandate. He has always said that at the end of this mandate, Cameroonians and the international community will be informed of his decision. That of whether his continues or his retires’ He said

The declaration which can be considered as the declaration of the day is when the government spokesperson was asked if the Paul Biya ‘s age will be a major talking point in the days ahead in the party.

‘ I think this question which has become recurring and needs to be put in relative terms. Experience counts and experience comes with age’ declared Sadi.

René Emmanuel Sadi in addition, also revealed that there is no political prisoner in Cameroon and that his party does not interfere in matters linked to justice when questioned on his reaction the detention of political prisoners and some former members of government.

‘These c
ompatriots as you know appeared in front of courts. They were transparently judged before the public for offenses we all know, which are common law offenses and not political. There is no political prisoner in Cameroon, this should be made clear. It is therefore the judiciary that will have to decide on whether they be freed or not. If any action was to be decided or wished, it will be a presidential pardon which is legal and follows the norms’he said.

Worthy to note is the fact that Cameroon has since 1982 been governed by President Paul Biya who has never been electorally beaten. In 2025, the 91-year-old will surely be seeking an umpteenth mandate given that his militants have been using the usual motions of support motives for him to seek another term.

Source: Cameroon News Agency